007 Deceased
Published on 02 Oct 2022 / In
Film & Animation
If you missed it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ms9gdrg0TbQ
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By the time Craig came along 007 was becoming ridiculous and was a stage for product placement. i went to se Sky Fall with some friends and afterwards one of them actually said he wanted the Sony Phone from the film as he believed it did everything it did in the film! PRATT! BMW also used the films to promote their car's!
Do you remember a show called Blockbusters? The presenter was a Guy named Bob Holnes. did you also know he was actually the very FIRST 007 James Bond?............................Yep! Bob was James Bond in a 1950's Radio Drama Series based on Fleming's books, did you also know that Ian Fremings Daughter or Granddaughter? is or was the Actress Lucy Fleming who was in that 76 series on the BBC"Survivers, by Terry Nation, who invented the Daleks!
Craig tapped into the guy Ian Flemming based 007 James Bond on-- the actual live it up spy, who gambled a lot. Craig tapped into that. There's a documentary about who Ian Flemming based James Bond on-- he was in America, the top English spy, and our idiot police arrested him driving across state lines with hot chicks...chick's.... Fucking dumbasses! But, he was able to return to the NAZIs and blame his inability to set up a terrorist network on them NAZIs, what a fucking man!
I liked Daniel Craig, first two... He brought an intensity... but Connery and More and Brosnan were the 007s. I liked Brosnan's constant one liners... and his, "Oh the things I do for God and country or just Britain."