'Backlash starting' with LGBT movement 'losing control of itself'- Douglas Murray
Published on 27 Jun 2023 / In
Film & Animation
Found this on Sky. LBGTQABCXYZ's are shooting themselves in the foot! lol" That's assuming that they identify with having FEET anymore? Don't like Piers Morgan but I thought this would be a good one to post? The women in this is as expected "Totally obnoctious", another airhead wanna be a CUNT. LOL!
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"We are here, we are queer, we are coming for your children!"
No your not.
All 4 of these MSM goons are perverts and useless parasites in a world where real men do the real work. While fem beta males are on the news with their gay suits and prim soyboy haircuts. Why did you let a woman on the show? That's exactly why everything is failing. Giving women a right to opinions and a public voice. Working men are the respectable adults. These four are spoiled useless children who eat the working's man lunch.
subverters & NPCs can't help themselves. They will always do evil.
Humans take heed and guard yourself and those you care about who wish to be shielded.
Shut up woman ,just smile ,it's enough .The 2nd man near Piers Morgan is a brainless fucking lemming ,screw your gender identity .