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1 of 7 | Top 10 Mistakes Intelligent Men Make With Women | James Social Coach

Published on 13 Dec 2013 / In Film & Animation

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About the speaker :

Dating and life coach, writer and speaker, James is a self-described travel addict and spent 7 years of his life as a full-time traveler. Often traveling alone, he was constantly arriving in new countries--where he didn't know a soul-- which forced him to face his lifelong shyness and social anxieties. The result? James honed the skills necessary to quickly meet and connect with new people wherever he went.

Before his travels, James was a highly educated Financial Analyst who became a Financial Adviser. He was forced to revolutionise his interpersonal skills. He quickly had to learn public speaking, how to read body language, effective listening and how to smoothly close a sale. He developed the ability to read people and understand what they want. Little did he know all these skills "career" skills eventually became extremely effective when it came to improving his ability to meet and seduce women.

Visit James at : http://socialcoach.com

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