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11 Minutes Of Women ACTUALLY GRASPING The Soft Guy Era - Drizzle Drizzle

Published on 16 May 2024 / In Film & Animation

You may find this one interesting? The drizzle drizzle thing is not actually NEW, It is an Epoch for modern MEN, but I kind of done this for at least a Decade in the sense I do NOT help women, I do NOT talk or communicate with them unless I need to , like important shit like at a till "do you want to pay be card or cash"? and I may reply if I feel generous! lol! I like the way with drizzle drizzle it parodies the PROJECTION of women and the dumb CUNT's cant see it at all? lol! Women have gone from sprinkle sprinkles to "GRIZZLE GRIZZLE" LOL! The only things I now offer women in abundance is my "CONTEMPT" and mny "INDIFFERENCE" in large quantities, Like I said I don't help damsels in roadside destress and I'll tell you why. some years ago long before I discovered MGTOW or the Red Pill I was out with a women (A CUNT i no longer have anything to do with), and her car broke down. I couldn't fix it so using my Membership to the AA recovery I got them out because as a Member it didn't matter who's car I was in I was still covered. This CUNT was extremely rude and repulsive to the person at the AA then she had a go at the AA mechanic when he arrived. The following morning I called the AA and apologized to be told "They were used toi it" I said that's not the point it was my membership helping the CUNT out and I felt aggrieved by that. From that day on I have NEVER stopped to help a women out. I've used my skills to help Guy's out and a couple of times for boy's who fell of their bikes etc, but I will and done EVER help a fefail in any circumstances. This is NOW culturally inbred into me and I have no intension of ever changing back for a women. I'm finished with them, i have a good life with my own interest's and skill's I don't have ANY reason for a fefail to be anywhere near me. I cook, tidy, do all my own household repairs and shit as well as mechanic's electrics and plumbing. I've had Empathy toward women beaten out of me by the Gynocentric society to a point where even SEXUAL interest is no longer present, and if I even get a feeling of that I just think of a women's corrupt vicious mindset and it soon evaporates into nothing. NOPE! my life is good, I have morals and limit's and I am blessed with the gift of surviving ALONE, which is what I cope with best! I don't care if the women looks like a Goddess, they are usually the worst CUNTS anyway, but one tattoo or the thought of their shitty attitudes is an instant dose of Bromide for Mr Wiggly! lol!

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It's good..... Taking the piss out of the selfish low IQ stupid women.

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