red pills pt 12 - TheRedKnight

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14 Minutes of Independent Women Furious XD

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Published on 01 Sep 2023 / In People & Blogs

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Mr_Sluggo 1 year ago

Oh the hate coming from these looser bitches...Its Delicious! (Chef's Kiss)
Passport Bro's...Keep doing what you are doing, It's driving these hoes stark raving mad.

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Never_Again 1 year ago

04:15 ... I do not give a fuck who you think you are ya Black assed man nor Black assed bitches, I am of an Alaskan Native blood that has only maybe 3,600 people of this whole world still alive. I am a fucking True Fucking Minority BITCH.! And I do not bitch about it.

I signed up as wholesale / retail / reseller about ten years ago due to a YouTube video by a girl & her husband reporting of ABORTED BABY PARTS & FLUIDS being sold to big companies as ingredients in health care products, foods, & drinks.

Within 20 minutes I had two California based " suppliers " that provided me with Wholesale Log-In credentials to access spread sheets of their products. Holy Shit. Ya know what Black Bitch.? Black Female Baby Parts & Body Fluids are the LEAST $$ as in worthless CRAP.

Blue Eye, Blonde, White Boys are the most $$$$$ expensive, 2nd costly is Girls of the same breed / color. You Black Bitches are so worthless that even your own men do NOT want you.

Go Fuck Off Black CUNTS ................................. No One Wants You.

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Never_Again 1 year ago

These so-called American " women " have already lost, & they are struggling to keep afloat above their own tears of self induced upon decades of absolute stupidity.

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Oh god - 25 seconds in and the overload needle, hit the limit pin and popped off it's shaft...

"Noooooo Ladies - Your OLD, Your INFERTILE and You are all delusional, nacisstic cunts... You have NO value and men do not like you or your attitude. Comprende Senior-Ora?"

Nope - it's all the fault of the patriarchy or some other fucking bullshit.

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Councilof1 1 year ago

Why are they getting angry if these "aren't good men"? Sounds like bitterness and jealousy. I wish I could send them all the "you mad bro?" meme. I use that for the lock screen on my phone.

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Post the link - please. LOL

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Councilof1 1 year ago

@Councilof1: they're all similar to that one.

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