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gepubliceerd op 06 Jul 2024 / In Huisdieren en dieren

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sbseed 9 maanden geleden

cannot understand why people feel it necessary to swim in the areas that are known for shark attacks, specially the warmer climate areas during the summer...
"it will be fine, nothing will happen to me, those shark attacks happen less than (insert stat here) or airplane crashes... what could go wrong"

you know where shark attacks do not happen, IN COLDER OCEAN CLIMATE AREAS, if you MUST swim in the ocean at least try to use your brain (assuming you even have a single brain cell left)

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Toki 9 maanden geleden

Guys. The chances of this are lower than a car accident. Consider how fat and juicy she was to the sharks also. Another reason to not be fat. Animals will consider you a pig or something. A shark wouldn't even bother with me because muscles and bones.

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sauger1001 9 maanden geleden

Agreed. I don't swim in the ocean either. I may walk along the beach, while those little "cleaner fish" nibble between my toes. Lol! I also noticed the men were "Human Doings" (Sandman), while the 'strong independent' women were "Human Screamings".

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Grin_Reaper 9 maanden geleden

I never understand the appeal of swimming in the ocean. Not when you can simply make your way to the local swimming pool.

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sbseed 9 maanden geleden

as a kid it was because it was exciting, and more 'free'...

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sbseed 9 maanden geleden

course the water we swam in is MUCH much colder, sharks do not hang near NW USA beaches, normally you do not even have to worry about jellyfish... unless it gets warm and then they wash up on the beach by the hundreds and they do not last long on the sand...

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GenerationLESS 9 maanden geleden

If you were in the ocean, would you feel safer with a man? Or a shark?

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Doggk 9 maanden geleden

Good question ! ^^

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DIOSUNBALLZ_TALICHAD 9 maanden geleden

SHARK haha : D I have gone swimming with you in the local pool and when you peed and changed the water color you blamed it on me, never again this time if we going swimming in the Ocean and peed I'm gonna tell the SHARK to get you haha JK :D \G/

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sauger1001 9 maanden geleden

Wonder what the woman would say, if she ever awakens.

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DIOSUNBALLZ_TALICHAD 9 maanden geleden

@sauger1001: What do they call that Half Man Half Fish thing again that they do in movies? I know a Centaur is a Half Man Half Horse, So that's what that Whale will say if she ever awakens. I think it's MerMan or something like that who k is they are all dumb at this point, A SHARK is the Best Ocean Friend a Man can Get although never swim with a SHARK WITH OUT A HARPOON, FLARE GUN OR HAND CANNON REVOLVER FACTS :D

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DIOSUNBALLZ_TALICHAD 9 maanden geleden

@sauger1001: speaking of SHARK you reckon if you raise a SHARK from birth who may have lost its Parents and you raise it right you think it can love you and not eat you like who they do with baby lions, tigers and bears now that is an interesting question I don't think so A SHARK is a NATURAL APEX PREDATOR even if you raised it right and and gave it love from birth where as if you do that with a baby tiger it won't kill you even it's a fully grown predator. Another interesting question is can an experiment with a Tiger and SHARK make a real Tiger SHARK half Tiger Half SHARK that can swim and breathe on land now that would be something \G/

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GenerationLESS 9 maanden geleden

@sauger1001: She'd say, "I guess I should've chose the bear."

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sauger1001 9 maanden geleden

@GenerationLESS: ROFLMAO! You're probably right. Anything except needing a man. LMAO!

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