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17,500 cannot be true! ?

Published on 23 Jan 2022 / In Film & Animation

It's all coming undone in ENGLAND, with the "Fudge" Figure Unit falling apart and the lies are being revealed now? This PLANDEMIC that was going to make millions die has only made Million's for business and government. The figures for covid only are as mentioned in this article fron Jeff Taylor? This whole thing has been a number's SCAM from the get go and althouygh thousands have and will continue to DIE from lack of medical condition treat ment (not Covid), there will be no apology from government as they plan their next get rich quick SCAM? i think the covid or virus side of it will dissappear quite quickly, but the fallout and damage is still to come long term? I feel VERY glad to be an open minded MGTOW, with only myself and no debt to concern myself with?

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ancientredpill 3 years ago

Hang them all now no need for a trial, they convicted themselves out of their own mouths and their actions, it is all documented on thousands of MSM news videos and Alt-Media videos

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mrghoster 3 years ago

I agree, but they will wriggle out of ity being the Snakes they are? The Big Pharma already have immunity from prosecution for the vaccine failures. This peroid in history has taught me a lot of lesson's not justr about greed and politic's but the falability of the masses to follow total BULLSHIT at all cost's to themselves. to this day I have NOT worn a Mask, I don't antisocial Distance and I have been as fit as a butchers dog the whole time. Lockdown didn't affect me at all because the system threw me over board decades ago so I was used to and enjoy my isolation, if that is the right word? I would rather say independence. Thisd total SCAM has only affected those tied into it, I have No debts so no financial problem's, in fact I'm better off now than I was before, but I'm NOT going to thank covid for that or these villianous fuckers either. I adapted to them and played their own games against them. Had everybody else done so this would have ended sooner. Someone will have to pay for the damage, mainly psychological? and it ain't gonna' be ME! lol!

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ancientredpill 3 years ago

@mrghoster: There are a lot of Red Pills in life to swallow not just the MGTOW ones keep learning and never forget what you have learned. A smart man learns from his mistakes but a wise man learns from the mistakes of others ---be a wise man.

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sithsith 3 years ago

Well if the government is an obvert liar and murderer, insurrection is justified!!
Hang the pigs!!
Pendez les cochons !

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mrghoster 3 years ago

Some one has to swing, they started this WAR on use and they have lost, someone will have to pay? I personally was one step ahead and all this crap right down to NOT wearing a mask didn't take place in my life? Those that were or are deepest into the con that is this system will be the one's most damaged . Like in 2008 I had no debt then still have NO debt, so nothing affected me, my lifw wasn't ripped apart and most people were due to Debt.? If I was asked for one bit of advice to cover all the problems it would simply be - GET OUT OF DEBT, become immune to their spell's and money magic, without your cooperation they are NOTHING, they know this because all the deception tells us that FACT.

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sithsith 3 years ago

@mrghoster: Buy some gold and silver too while you can bro, the prices are vastly undervalued!

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sithsith 3 years ago

@mrghoster: Black Pill on Steroids has got it right, this crisis will be time to make money for those who can take advantage of it !

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