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17 Nations Ban Covid-19 Vaccine

Published on 16 Mar 2021 / In Film & Animation


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KEEPER 4 years ago

you know, i tried t warn ppl about this and what did these ppl do anyway? they got the vax like it was nothing, because they were already walking zombies to begin with, so damn willing to take the jab, just so willing to "listen and believe" and ppl are already dropping like flies, i remember giving the warning to ppl, and they said they would take it anyway.

then i said, fine. the idiots can go first, see if i give a damn for the ignorant sheep who die from this thing within the next year, hopefully it will wake up the morons,l but i guess at this point it will be all for nothing if they are dead anyway.

it's not like i can say i told them so if they are dead because of their foolishness into believing everything without using some critical thinking for once.

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