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Published on 05 Sep 2020 / In Other

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4 years ago  

yo doggk, what do you think is the reason of this violence, like brazil is not in war and not economical stagnation so what the hell is the reason for this violence ?

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Doggk 4 years ago

Good question ! Satan First of all, Corruption, Materialism, Poor Education, Poverty, Capitalist ideological/utopist propaganda and the Hypocrisy of Brazil and USA which consists to only show the beautiful part of their embroidery. If your eyes see so much poor people out there and just a few rich ones. You saw the truth ! That only tells you how much governements lie about their real situation.. As simple as it is... USA has the same problem, USA has the biggest debt in the whole world, they live on credit and logically it's impossible for USA to pay off their debt.. But USA invests billions in security and military, to play the world police and plunder each country they invade.. + They sell tons of weapons legally + illegally all over the world but the ones who buy most of their weapons are south americans, europeans, israel and the arab peninsula.. In order to refund as much as possible on their debt.. Till it won't be possible anymore... USA will implode before it will explode... The secret of Rich countries is to enslave their population and maintain them in poverty with (debts - riba), to plunder other countries by any means (Economical Sanctions, War, etc..) + their powerfull babylonian utopist propaganda.. Everyones dream is supposed to be rich with a castle, ferrari, bitches.. etc.. But it's a false dream, not everyone can own a Castle.. So some with poor educations like these dudes in these favelas will do anything to be so called rich.. KILL, STEAL, DESTROY... That's 100% the signature of HELL / DEMONS!!

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4 years ago

@Doggk: yep what you is 100% true, it also explain why micheal jackson song "they don't care about" in brazil was so succesful,because it's true, also the thing that you said about not everybody can be rich is true, and alot of motavation for gangs and mafia's goons is to one day be just like their boss and make a lot of money but not everyone can be rich so of course a lot of people gonna have to die, that an intersting obsevation, i never tought about it like that but it's true

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Doggk 4 years ago

@abderrahmane: Micheal Jackson was a truth speaker, that's why they drugged him with pills, and killed him.. The guy wasn't a pedophile, he never had the chance to have childhood so that doesn't mean he fucks kids.. Michael had the mentality of a 12 year old, dude wasn't into sex stuff, he was a Peter Pan.. That's why his performances were fantastic.. Because he invested all his energy (sexual energy included) in his shows, clips, songs.. They made up and used that pedophile accusation against him to destroy his reputation and by the way the chance he had to speak the truth about the reality behind the show business!

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UltraChad 4 years ago

@Doggk: I'm a brazilian guy, the culture here is insane and the justice doesn't work, 90% of the crimes are unsolved, in some places is almost a lawless land. in the rio de janeiro favelas the things get even worse and it's culture is spreading all over the country, there is a thug culture here, girls love bandids, there is not a single one incentive for be a person that thinks about the future

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UltraChad 4 years ago

good guys here are made fun of, rich people are demonized, inteligent people are considered dumb because what he says doesn't match with the mainstream narrative, we are one of the most burocratic countries and because of that one of the most corrupt countries too

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UltraChad 4 years ago

the traffic has more weapons than the police and the police can't even scratch the favelas, the superior tribunal federal have prohibited the police to go on patrol and act in those places, the stf helps all the corrupt guys and the trafic too

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4 years ago

@HigorRodrigues: damn man, was brazil always like this, or i this a new thing ? i heard brazil was like japan in 90's and it attracted alot of tourist and bussinesman ? But daamn what happend

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UltraChad 4 years ago

@abderrahmane: Brazil has aways been a colony of US and China, we sell comodities and that's it, the president LULA has the chance to change the country and to become a first world country, but he made the oposite, he was the founding father of this current situation, he created all this burocracy and corruption all by his own. it all begin in 2002, from there on we have 16 years of democrats as you call it in power, and that is why we are in this situation.

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UltraChad 4 years ago

they completly distroyed the country, financing dictatorships and robbing the country, he create tons and tons of estatal enterprises so that he could have more power of bargain in politics and also that he could rob even more, ALL of them don't have any profit, only loss of money, bilions and bilions of dolars, even the companies that have the monopoly doesn't make money, it was all about robing

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UltraChad 4 years ago

for the first time in history after we elect bolsonaro, these companies have been selled or begin to profit again, the stock market tripled and we are now begging to walk again, but the situation is way too bad to change in only 4 years, it will take at least more 10 years to recover

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Zenden1st 2 years ago

if that was a real robbery and both the men and the women seems to be complying why shoot them? and why go after just the guys? is it a culture thing?

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Doggk 2 years ago

They shoot women as well.. It's just that I didn't found footages covering it at that moment.. But believe me.. Women are not spared in the Favelas... Most of the time they get raped and brutally murdered..

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Straven 2 years ago

Still hold the same opinion first time I saw this vid a while back, bomb the entire place till nothing and no ones left.

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Straven 2 years ago

Small area-carpet bomb, drop poison canisters in surrounding areas to ensure no one gets out of the area alive.

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Doggk 2 years ago

Like in 28 weeks later !! lol good point ^^

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brownzombie 3 years ago

my brazilian amigos are pretty based and like latin america ,completely lawless like the law of the jungle and thats where PATRIARCHY resides, ANARCHY and CHAOS gives birth to natural roles , shout out to all you jefes out there, keep grinding

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

Single mother households, same fucking shit as in the gettos in the USA

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