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Published on 19 Feb 2021 / In
Pets & Animals
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dog fur coat? i donno man...
Vietnam they raise meat dogs as a way to sell off.
Good morning @Doggk
The similarities between Torturing dogs to death just as so-called Chinese or Aztec tradition calming adrenalized dog meat tastes better And spirit cooking where children or animals are slowly tortured to death for Adrenochrome harvesting and cannibalism in satanic elite practice.
The truth of the fact is that neither in ancient Chinese or Aztec tradition would they eat Adrenochrome dog meat from tortured dogs claiming that the adrenaline when in reality it’s adrenochrome in the dog meat would taste better like wtf?!
Adrenochrome is a demonic substance that many satanist aristocrats praise and favor so much Because of Adrenochrome’s spiritually diabolical properties of lowering your vibrations and counteracting entropy thus demons can inhabit a human body or fetus and be born as a human demonic hybrid.
Eating anything with Adrenochrome in it it’s truly satanic in nature and only the Chinese communist party which Mao Zedong was apart the satanic dragon family who unfortunately had strong ties with the illuminati and Rothschilds through Karl Marx and the CCP introduced that satanic practice similar to spirit cooking to the people of China.
Why are they.
Sense ingesting Adrenochrome will not only will turn you evil but will also make you demon possessed. That’s what they’re trying to do they are trying to turn the majority of Chinese people who eat that dog meat into evil demon possessed servants who’ll do their bitting. No wonder why the Chinese communist party is one of the most evil corrupt regime way worse than Nazi Germany and North Korea combined, them willing to commit all sorts of crimes against humanity and evil acts it’s probably because of that. Eating Adrenochrome dog meat...
This comment definitely deserves a pin for everyone to see my friend
Love&Cheers ; )
Was a dog in Korea near my post we hated this mutt. It tore stuff up shit all over the place and was just loath some. One day a Farmer caught it and was going to cook it. We tried to buy the dogs life we had fifty bucks and the farmer was set on dog for dinner it is a horrible thing hanging alive being beaten to death with a stick then thrown on a fire to burn the hair off. Can't watch a piñata party even today.