18 Years Later, I Finally Get how Idiocracy Came True - The 2024 Election
Published on 15 Mar 2025 / In
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Camacho was actually a very good president. He didn’t ignore, downplay, or blame the opposition for the crop crisis. He found the smartest guy in the world to solve it, listened to the expert, took brave action in the face of corporate opposition, and gave full credit to whom it was due.
some could argue this is what Trump has done through Elon and his D.O.G.E.
kind of like the jews....
Outsourcing of knowledge? Well A.I. will take care of that! Get ready for it folks. If Trump wasn't the one to bring it in, whatever other anointed one would force it on you. The reason of the dumbing down of America is coming to fruitation.
who did we mostly see in the welfare state? was it Democrats or was it people on the right?
i mostly saw the Democrats including most women, yes during the 1990s it was a lot of hillbilly people on the right, but that later on became more people on the left in years after the 90s.
until it majority became people mostly on the left who would advocate for the welfare state, i don't really count boomers retiring as welfare as they worked their lives to earn that retirement welfare money, as the people on the left simply were given it without any need to work for it, they just voted for it and were given it.
and every time their precious welfare was threatened by the right, they went full force into getting their endless gibs me your tax payer money attitude, and this unemployed behavior consisted of riots, the news said, "fiery but mostly peaceful" they were also the party of trust the government and all social media and believe all women and endless bullshit, they weren't the party of think for yourself or free speech, they were the party of believe all bullshit no matter how moronic it is, "vote blue no matter who" vote for someone with a broken brain that is mush they said, remember what they said about their precious ruth bater ginsburg, oh "don't die we need you or your corpse to defeat Donald Trump" and she died thankfully lol.
they are the party of endless nonsense and bullshit, every time when people get into these debates of this movie, ideocracy, they always point to the attitude of the populous and president and claim and refer to it as the republican's or Trump, when their own party suggests this is who they are and have been for the last 20ish years, they voted someone in on total nonsense just to keep Trump out and they gaslighted people and made them believe he was literal Hitler, Orang man bad and all that and all that nonsense, and the VP pick was based on what race and body parts instead of on who can do the job better.