19 Year Old Lady’s Tinder Experiment Proves Why Modern Women Can’t Find-Can’t Keep a Valuable Mn
Published on 19 Jul 2021 / In
Film & Animation
More interesting comarison's with the fefail mind and what MEN think! The fefail cant get or Keep a MAN these day's wonder why?
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Oh oh. Clicked on it but it says, "Can't be found". Tried downloading, same thing (404, Can't be found).
TRP really makes listening to these skets like fingernails on a chalkboard..........
if thats 19 im 42 !!!! she is every bit of 26 the sunken eyes, she uses bracses for deception........... scam city.
She ain’t nothing but an empty box to stick yo D in .. smash n dash at best, Gonorrhoea more likely
If she lost her good looks, like over night, she would have fuck all but her self centered bullshit left.