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19th Century Old World Portable Sun Dial

Published on 10 May 2023 / In Film & Animation

cystic shorts # 1315

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hqwebsite 2 years ago

It's a shame how the video didn't actually put it out in the sun.

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They are also a very pale skinned individual - so they are probably in a place that doesn't get much sun or it's over cast most of the time..... like Ireland / Scandanavia. etc. BUT in checking out the one in the video - it looks very delicate and finely made - and very easy to break and or damage - and what ever models were made, they must have been very scientific and very expensive for their time, and probably not made in huge numbers, and becase of their delicacy, most of them would have gotten broken and disposed of - so few would have lasted 200 - 300 years... AND all the basic tougher designs would have - proportionally speaking. Had a cursory look - - but because there is almost no information to go upon, unless it's by chance, I might be looking for hours... or days.. https://www.etsy.com/au/market/pocket_sundial ------ https://www.1stdibs.com/buy/portable-sundial/ ---------------------- https://www.carters.com.au/ind....ex.cfm/index/3929-su - I get the impression that PRIOR to reliable and accurate clocks and then watches, were available that the market for portable sundials were kind of significant... and thus the myriad of highly local manufacturers would have been fairly large in numbers and over several hundred years... SO if the only thing to go by is the actual design AND the makers mark on the case - unless there was a catalogue of time piece manufacters and their marks and designs and one knew who they were and how to contact them and to then access the data base..... finding the design online MIGHT be purely pot luck, hours, days or weeks of searching - or there might be no records of them at all.. I don't know if almanac is the right word but that looks like it is both a sundial, and a kind of atrolabe - with phases of the moon etc., and other functions... If you pause the video on a frame by frame basis, from the time the circular disk is fully opened there are 3 (sort of) circular bands with symbols in them and around them and the fold up odd piece at around the 5 O'clock position, has lots of circular cut outs and detail for particular purposes, and the telescoping and fold down needle pointer, also serves a purpose.... So me thinks it's a very accurate scientific time piece.... Maybe not hours, minutes and seconds, but certainly to the minute or there abouts... Dunno - just an educated guess - there is too much fine detail and "time keeper" type mechanisims in it, for a simple sun dial that only shows hours and accurate estimation for the area of the minutes..

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