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20 Depression Era Foods That VANISHED From The Family Table - This is REALLY fucking good...

Published on 28 Sep 2024 / In Film & Animation

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Heavyhand 5 months ago

Corn, beef, hash, and potato cakes or some thing I pay a high price for at nice restaurants

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Yeah SOME of this is not that good - nutritionally - sugar and flour = high carbohydrate junk food - not good for people who are diabetic - not at all.... not good for people without diabetes either come to think of it. But a lot of this is REALLY good nutritional food... And with a few brains, you can take some of the less desirable things out and put in other things... But overall, this video contains some pretty decent nutritional foods that are GOOD foods and economically priced.

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Starting at 6:48 - Egg Drop Soup, then 7:38, Cabbage and Noodles ( Oh fuck me - delicious ) and then at 8:28, Bean Soup - AND the Creamed Chipped Beef on Toast at 10:10.... Squirrel Stew at 11:50, Corned Beef Hash - at 13:35... 14:27 - Potatoe Soup - substitute out the potatoes and use different things - low carb, and it's a brilliant soup.

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And this video teaches MEN how to cook - because non of this has to be exact, it's "About right" in terms of ingredients, and cooking methods etc.. I can reproduce them all almost exactly ( enough ), straight from the information in the video...

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