20 MINUTES Western Women REJECTING F3minism Narratives ( Liberal Women Mad)
Published on 09 Jan 2024 / In
Film & Animation
This must be a SCAM to con MEN, don't believe a word, do YOU?
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For all confused people out there, it's very simple :
Keep it in mind. Always.
The title should be changed to "20 minutes of Former feminist kissing men's asses now that life has dealt a fatal blow to their egos and finances"
There...I fixed it for ya.
I don't listen to women when it comes to men's issues.
When they drop the "no-fault" divorce, then things will start to change.
Shield Hero. Based show. MeToo protag, but he clears his image. The accuser is punished severely. However she keeps her head but is then referred to simply as Bitch for the rest of the show.
You must be a boomer, --> Chinese promoted degeneracy, but it was never the jews, because muh antisemitism