2000yr bible warns humanity :O
Published on 05 Apr 2023 / In
Film & Animation
Books have been used as a permanent record of history ever since the practice was first developed. Modern historians have taken an interest in these writings in an effort to decipher their mysteries. Some of these books, however, stand out because of the unsettling information they contain; they contain details of strange happenings and languages that have not been spoken in thousands of years. And one of these books is a recently discovered old Bible that has some scary revelations. What does this book say, and what does it mean for Christians all across the world? Join us as we investigate some of the most terrifying mysteries disclosed by the Bible's various texts.
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I'm not the most avid Christian or the most active Christian, but there are certain things that I have seen that have come to pass when it comes to the scriptures from the Bible when it comes to revelation, I believe we are living in the last days of Revelation just based off of the information that I have seen and witnessed, and again I'm not the most active kind of christian, I sin all the time, every once in a blue moon I Repent though, I should repent more often I should pray more often but I don't, right now I'm not exactly affiliated with any churches, but I did grow up in the Mormon church.
Believe It or Not Mormons actually believe in the Bible at least the King James version of the text, however all this talk of ancient scriptures showing up out of nowhere suddenly becoming a large thing, a lot of that was prophesied Within one of the Mormon scriptures, as it was stated that during the last days a lot of scriptures that were missing for a very long time would suddenly become revealed, but we also got warnings of false words and false christs and Prophets and such, and believe me I even had to ask that question in my own religion growing up, the current guy there doesn't seem like he's a prophet, but that's my own little conspiracy theory.
Anyway, lately I've been getting into the idea of the possibility that these ancient beings are not gods, they're starting to look a whole lot more like they are aliens posing as Gods setting our society on a path so that will exist for a little bit longer, have you noticed that we do Advance in technology and culture with religion, but it's a slow progression instead of quickly, now most churches would deny that God is an alien, I think it has to do with the culture and what they would accept during that time period.
Anyway when I read scriptures now I try to read the story in the lens that there is technology and beings from other planets guiding us, they probably tried to tell primitive humans who they were, but primitive humans probably wouldn't have understood or even accepted them for what they are which is probably why they went the God and angels route, because that route was the only stable one for people to live by.
This is at least my theory anyway, regardless how silly it looks, I can't help it, I love talking about this stuff in this lens anyways.