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2020 Anniversary Of My Peugeot 607 V6 Stick-Shift - Freedom - Happy Monk Life

Published on 24 Jul 2020 / In Film & Animation


I grew up with a belief system that FWD (Front Wheel Drive) vehicles were horrible to drive until I met and owned a Peugeot 605 V6 Stick-Shift few years ago. That lion ownership was one of the lessons I imbibed on The Sheep vs Shepherd Dichotomy (Personal Experience Vs Norm/Majority). My Z9 V6 Stick-Shift ownership is an outcome of that lesson.

He is now 13 years old, but still drive and perform as if he came into existence yesterday. He came into my life at the right time and has been a good pal, even when he annoyed on few occasions in the past.

The majority hate & dislike French cars, yet I love all mine madly.

Majority claimed Peugeot 607 Electricals are nightmares, yet mine has never cut a single fuse, let alone suffer modules, ECUs or Fuse box issues.

Majority claimed Stick-Shift Transmissions are for the Poor, Ancient and Hardship-minded men, yet I turned mine into an aggressive wild fun Stick-Shift Maniac.

I look forward to many more adventures with this lion and forever will remain appreciative to Peugeot and the Engineers that put their potentials together and created him for my joy.

I Love My Lions!

Ikenna351, Lion King - Monk

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blitz_driver 5 years ago

The PRV V6 is a great engine and Peugeot makes some of the best handling FWD cars.

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