22 MINUTES Of DESPERATE Modern Women BEGGING For Good Men To Save Them
Published on 13 Jun 2024 / In
Film & Animation
Desperation continues to set in with the CUNT's - Help me help me I'm desperate for I don#t know what, but I'm desperate but wont conform unless it's all about ME ME ME! lol! I'm a GOOD MAN but I've save my own ASS from women!
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19:00. The fake crying is really getting old.
girl at 22 minutes lets it slip through the tears. It's all about the money after all.
They are all ranking from shit to worse....
That blondo at 19:09 - Ewwwwwwwwwww.
"The man should come in and rescue me and pay for everything....."
And your going to do WHAT?
Snivel Snivel?
Drizzle Drizzle.
These women are profoundly stupid and selfish and low IQ bullshit artists.
I gave my new Aldi "cast iron crock pot" a good work out with some BIG red kidney beans and a slow soak and a slow cook...
Fantastic - bit of mince, onion etc..
Who in the fuck wants to listen to these IDIOT women?
There are a million better things to do and millions of better people to do it with.
They look like this on the inside... Vitreous (glass) based enamel.
Beautiful. Just oil the rims with lard and a wipe dry after every cooking session. Last for ever.
Enjoy being single and affording it: Soon, AI will take your jerbs...