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281 Male Chauvinism from a Masculist Perspective (Masculism, MGTOW)

Published on 26 Oct 2021 / In Non-profits & Activism

Flyer No. 281
Title : (Masculism, MGTOW)
Text URL : https://profhugodegaris.wordpr....ess.com/male-chauvin
All Flyers URL : https://profhugodegaris.wordpr....ess.com/mgtow-mascul
Book : “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 370+ Masculist Flyers for Men’s Studies Courses” by Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis, (freely downloadable, in MS Word format, from) https://profhugodegaris.wordpr....ess.com/masculism-me
Descr : This flyer argues that “male chauvinism” (a feminazi term) or “male dominance” (the equivalent masculist term) is genetically determined, and that masculist scientists should attack fluffie feminist hypocrites to destroy feminazi lies, so that the gender laws can be menfaired, so that men can become fathers again, in order to prevent the genocidal actions of the feminazis who made the divorce courts so toxic for men that 2/3 of young men refuse to marry and refuse to have kids, spending their money on themselves.

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