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3 AM - Me and Peanut

Published on 05 Jul 2021 / In Film & Animation

⁣Yay - We are alive.

Yes Peanut the Kat is a hyperactive / attention deficit kind of person, and when he goes for my tits, all I can do is push him away and shout NO... But there have been nights where I have to push him away like 20 times and sleep with my arms crossed...

It's just the way he is.

He likes licking and sucking and chewing on the tip of my nose, and he likes licking and sucking and chewing on my finger tips...

And "Mah Nipples!"...

It makes them SORE...

The interesting thing about Peanut and these experiences, is while he is chewing on my finger tips, I am exploring the dental structure inside his mouth....

Generally he is sort of chewing, and not biting very hard...

BUT his front row of teeth are composed of 4 bigger pointy teeth at the side of his upper and lower jaws and and a small row of flat teeth - both upper and lower, between them.

It's just like the inner teeth set on the "Aliens" monsters.

AND this is not a bestiality thing... but it is a learning experience.

AND when he launches himself at my tits... (Get Off + shove) he is acting as if I am the mother cat, and the cats doing their kneading of the nipple / belly area of the mother cat, is to stimulate milk flow.

However it does not work on me....

BUT his teeth with the fout corner front teeth and the flat rows in between them, are a NEAT locking fit around and behind my nipples, and I am not saying this is a crime against humanity or cats, but I am not a mother cat, he is a little bit too old for this shit, I am the wrong species, and I have no milk for him or anyone really, and it does not hurt - but it makes my nipples sore.

So I am working hard on getting his needs to love, nurturing, attention and affection in other ways, by strongly discouraging him from obessing over trying to breast feed from me and to get cuddles, rubs, scratches and massages instead.

What I find that that cats can really be trained to do almost anything - provided there are GOOD reasons for doing so.

Peanuts is a little peculiar and totally head strong.... It's just the way he is.

I have only ever back handed him really hard once - he was sitting on my knee and there was a LIVE thin low power devices 240V AC cable hanging over the edge of the desk, I looked away at something on the floor beside me, opposite to the leg he was sitting on - AND when I looked back at him, he had bitten into the cable with his needle like young cat teeth, and he was opening his mouth and about to take another bite into the cable and it it was a reflex action, "Whack!" with a hard back hand - because at best it could have blown his teeth out and at worst it could have killed him... And yes I have designed and built high energy electrical detonators - so you know, I don't want his teeth to explode in his head from a dead short between the active and neutral wires, I don't want huge cat dental bills and I don't want him badly hurt or dead....

You know as you get OLDER and SMARTER, the language refines, so when some old guy says, "Just don't" - there is usually a considerable amount of knowledge and experience behind that simple statement.

But the best way to train and educate cats is to say assume that they have a value of minus 10 for a particular habit or activity, that is genuinely undesirable - like walking across the keyboard or chewing through electrical cables etc., by making it a minus 1 activity, AND by making NOT doing it and or doing something else a plus 10 activity.

So if you do decide to breed a woman and she complains of sore nipples from breast feeding, be nice, get the cooling, soothing baby safe nipple cream.... and rub some in - and I don't really recall when babies get teeth and women are still breast feeding.. but I recall the complaints getting worse (vaguely??)

I don't know if you have surfed on a surf board, but you coat the board with bees wax to give you grip in the wet.... and unless your wearing a vest, having your nipples rub on the wax will eventually become a painful thing. Having a cat try to breast feed - produces the same effect.

Getting Peanut to stop going for my tits, will just require an ON GOING, good firm push away and then being pulled away from my chest area, and up near my face and to be given a scratch, a rub, and some other decent form of eye to eye contact, communication and affection.

Ohhhhh my nipples are SORE.... (fuck him)

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

dam hammerman we've seen it all now..

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