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30 Year Old Woman HITS THE WALL & Breaks Down In Tears

Published on 27 Nov 2022 / In Entertainment
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CheekyMGTOW 2 years ago

We need a long term power outage in the US. That would put the role of the sexes back to where they need to be.

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The women could not cope being back in the stone age for 2 weeks...

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Why do all these retarded cunts dress the same, look the same, get the same hair styles and they do all the same facial fuck ups - like pumped up lips and all the other bullshit, and they all read from the same feminist "idiots script".....

Fucking retarded ingrates.

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A_Shot_of_Whiskey 2 years ago

Stupid feminist: "Hey Alexa, remind me that men are useless."
Alexa if her AI were legit: "You're a moron; men made me for you. Show some appreciation, cunt."

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SolidSnake33 2 years ago

Women's rights comes at the expense of men's freedom. Never forget that men.

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