304 Got KNOCKED OFF Her Pedestal For THINKING She's Special
Published on 19 Feb 2025 / In
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Her low class attitude and entitlement will take her really far with these men LOL The problem is there are some rich simps and cucks out there who will take these women with attitudes like this and say they are strong women when they really are just grifters that live to annoy men and plow horse them out and use them for their resources. This type will never really be satisfied with their man whoever it is he will never be able to do enough for her the list will be never ending. Her energy is really bad like a male energy and attitude which cancels her looks, which dont and wont last forever,the wall will crash upon her like it does to all of them.
The real question is those 1% of men does she meet any of those mens standards of what they want? That makes her pool of guys even smaller at least maybe cut the 1% in half or more depending on what these guys look for.So for real her chances are like one half of 1% or worse than that, so good luck getting that you fool of a thot and femtard, sounds low IQ also. Guys in the top percentile can get youth,breeding,class,intelligence a woman who is wealthy also with a career if he chooses that. He can basically put whatever he wants on his list of requirements