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3200 major brand stores, out of free money. The 'hard landing' has arrived.

Published on 20 Jun 2024 / In People & Blogs

Time is coming. Things are grinding to a halt, the bubble is growing cracks, and the economy is falling apart. How much longer do we have until it crashes? It may be the worst in history.

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 9 months ago

The dirty little secret is US citizens themselves are the collateral for the debt the USA owes to the privately owned central bank known as the Federal Reserve.

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Stalwart 9 months ago

Notice how she mentions "the lifestyle [she and the kids] want" rather than the one that's possible, reasonable, sufficient, or that they need. She wants someone to magically provide an income that is greater than or equal to the incomes of two people. She clearly spends her money like a fool, as well, probably with no savings (which would be typical), and she expects to continue to be able to do so. In a way, she reveals that she doesn't value what she would provide in the home, because essentially she says it's not worth the cost of a reduced income, as if that trade-off would result in nothing of value, only being a loss. She doesn't say the equivalent of, "He'll provide a sufficient income, and I'll provide value in the home that is more important than a second income but that will improve quality, balance, and the possibilities of life for all of us, and that all of these things will be our shared riches." She just feels entitled to be kept. There would be no thankfulness or appreciation towards the man's contribution, but rather a sense of being owed or even robbed of what she "could have had", and she will always have a pass to dispose of the relationship at any moment. So men, keep walking away. Love, respect, reasonableness, commitment, and symbiosis have to be requirements, but our system currently undermines all of these. Don't fall for the ridiculous demands and sales jobs. These women are traps.

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sauger1001 9 months ago

30:00. Sounds like another "praying mantis" (CGA).

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Toki 9 months ago

The people aren't spending. Uh yes they are. Big time. Smartphones, phone contracts, video game skins, women spending, simps renting women, getting a loan for this or that, etc. Most people are in debt especially any household with a female resident.
Many Americans refuse to do real work as well. Streamers for example. Or the president. Or a CEO. There's your inflation as well. Getting paid to not work or produce anything in real life.
The people aren't spending - Sub to my LocalFans for $5 a month. Then sub to my Rumble for $5 a month. Then become a YT member on my channel for $5 a month. Buy my made in China merch. People actually pay for this shit it's amazing.

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sauger1001 9 months ago

Women will always be the largest group of consumers, compared to a guy like me who doesn't have furniture (except for a couple of chairs to go with my computer desk, Lol!) In my 1bdrm apartment. Don't need anything, except room to lean my fishing rods against a wall.

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 9 months ago

@sauger1001: I'm sure you've seen those memes where it shows a pic of a guys apartment with just a comfortable armchair, a side table to hold his beverage a tv and an some sort of entertainment console. and women asking how guys live like this. Then it shows a chicks room taht's either a slovenly mess or a room stuffed with junk and some reference to her total debt. I love those. We are function over fashion and it's so great!

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 9 months ago

A very good point. I think it's just brick and mortars that are suffering because so much consuming has gone online.

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Stalwart 9 months ago

Yep. People are living WAY beyond their means, like total fools. I'm getting my resources into tangible assets, because I think the inflation and other tricks are going to absolutely smash our dollars.

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Toki 9 months ago

@sauger1001: Damn right. I have a desktop, a desk for the PC, and a recliner. No couch or anything. Idiots on Twitch are spending $2000 for a gaming "racing" chair (made in China) and I have an old hand-me-down recliner that's truly comfortable.

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Toki 9 months ago

@Calling All Stations: Also the hiring practices of brick and mortar. They always have to employ females which is just annoying. As a customer that's not helpful to me at all to have female employees who are too stupid to understand anything. Piss poor management as well. Also again with the streamers. The hypocrites. Companies have plenty of managers and other non-essential staff, but no workers. Because they quit working to e-beg on Locals for example. Part of the blame are the idiots who give their money to total strangers online as well. We used to call these con artists. People online asking for money for anything. Unless of course it's a real product being shipped to your house from a real business that produces something tangible. Opinions aren't worth any money.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

@Toki: Man, you all make me feel bad... I got a lot of furniture but I bought most of it on sale or from th4 damaged/bargain bin. My oldeest, my bed, was a hand me down. However, with the exception of two cheap desks I bought on Amazon, a desk, a table, and this one couch with cup holders and matching lazy boy, I had not bought anything in like five years? I made a mistake of financing that couch with lazy boy, a futon (my parents and sister was going to visit- it serves as a couch or bed in my office)and side table a couple of years ago though still on sale... I was like fuck this shit. I'm going back to paying cash like I always had. I had to pay them every payday. I do want a Purple mattress for my back though but the Lockdown (loss of hours) and inflation had been interfering. I take it back my bedroom desk which I bought and repaired when I was in college is the oldest furniture: We had to repair it's leg and replace the missing handles.

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