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Published on 02 Apr 2023 / In Other

You get what you deserve at this point.

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Straven 2 years ago

Lost my job saying flat out fckn no way in hell I was taking that shit when the company decided you either took it of your OWN volition or they couldn't keep you. Healthy as fuck and getting healthier now that I'm actually cooking far more vs cheap fast food or processed shit. The idiots I warned over and over again though, they are all exp health issues and I personally am LOVING it. Enjoy your deaths assholes who sat by while others actually stood not only for our own rights but yours......but you fucks were more interested in the latest ticktock cunt video and especially one coworkers videos of him shaking his ass........yeah.

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How many people in the company or that business / branch, how many refused and how many took it, and how many are now dead or sick - just loose numbers.

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BioWeapanSurvivor 2 years ago

Get a lawyer and sue the company. There are snakes out there that will break it off in the companies ass. I am the owner operator of my own plumbing company and each time five out of five that I got C19, I was doing service called to these doped up fool. They become supper spreaders and the houses stank like walking into mold infested structures. You did the right thing, keep listening to your inner voice. The Government top to bottom is corrupt and these fools that took the shots will soon be worm food. Meaning plenty of job oportuities for those of you who have balls to say NO. Peace bro

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

I like how all of these companies think they are in the place now to have the authority to keep private medical databases on their employees. They even had the nerve to designate exactly what vaccines were acceptable and which were not. It's astounding and I am very disappointed at how willingly people just went along with it all.

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I get the point of reposting (some of) these Blood Clot Death Shit videos - but it's also a bit like spraying fly spray in to the billions of flies at a cattle feed lot.....

There are SO many people dropping dead all around the world from this shit...

It's not like there are 10 or 20 or 50 or 100.....

There are thousands and thousands and thousands "Multiplied By" thousands and thousands and thousands.

Dead, Crippled and Fucked.

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Ozmosis 2 years ago

Yeah, I know but i like posting the ones who mock those that warn them to show the irony and that there is a god out there with a sense of humor have you notice its the ones who mock and threaten the unvaxxed like this one who drop the fastest.

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@Ozmosis: Yeah I am not having a go at you for posting them.... my comment was about that there are people dropping like flies by the millions.... The excess death rates..... kind of making this up, if in a city of 1 million people, there are say on average 1000 people droppin dead every day, well that s the way it's been for the last 10 years before the death shots, and after the death shots, it's gone up by 45% - then you multiply this by 50,000 cities around the world - and THAT is an awful lot of excess deaths.

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buddd 2 years ago

@Ozmosis: please never stop posting these videos! They're golden! I loooove seeing mean people get what they deserve like the bitch in this vid.

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RedKnight 2 years ago

see I took the shot out of straight up fear, now im scared for my life :(

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Ozmosis 2 years ago

All I can say is if you believe in God to pray that everything will work itself out and you'll be ok or don't your choice.

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RedKnight 2 years ago

@Ozmosis: oh dude Im working on my relationship with jesus everyday, INFACT, have u heard of keith moore? GREAT PREACHER! Ill be adding his sermons to our community :D

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Councilof1 2 years ago

Guinea pig's by choice. And I bet she thinks/thought she was intelligent.

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Ozmosis 2 years ago
sauger1001 2 years ago

No trusting man's government from now onward. Only obedience of God's Laws.

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