36 Yo Leftover Single Woman. Modern Women SHOCKED They Can Master Life But NOT MEN!
Published on 12 Sep 2024 / In
36 Yo Leftover Single Woman. Modern Women SHOCKED They Can Master Life But NOT MEN!
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The bluntness of these Chinese Men awe-inspiring.
It is amazing to me that Chinese society are facing the same problems in the West.
The Chinese Men are not so "soy-based" as the Western Men in that the Chinese Men are not so afraid to speak truth to women.
Something to think about.
19:20. "DAAAAAMN!"
Ice Cube/Chris Tucker, from the movie, 'Friday'.
14:00. I saw this video several years ago. I'm black, and if I was fluent in Chinese culture as well as in certain dialects (I guess I'd better brush up on my defense techniques; Lol.), I'd probably clean up with these Sheng Nu's.
0:07. "Sheng Nu."
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"I am an independent woman; I have a degree!"
You may as well have a penis, for all of the good that does you.