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4 Bis*xual Girls with a Rapper? Here's what happened@Kid Trunks

Published on 02 Apr 2021 / In Film & Animation

TIME STAMPS (Sorry for slight Lag, we fixed it during the show after 21:00) :
0:00-4:53- Intro, announcements
4:53- Girls introduce themselves
11:39- Who is more trouble? Men or Women?
15:50- When two girls go out, who pays? (LOL)
18:00- Womnanese for women are emotional while men are logical
19:38- 21:10- SKIP THIS (WE FIXED THE LAG)
21:10- How to get a thr**some w/ 2 girls
28:10- Shout out to James Burnett
29:00- The average girl has slept with more women than the avg guy
32:15- Women don't c*ck themselves....
33:50- ENTER @Kid Trunks
36:15- @Kid Trunks introduction
38:00- Do men feel insecure being with a b*s*xual women
40:07- Disagreement with Myron and debate on equality between the genders. Do men need women or vice versa?
46:10- Super Chats (FUNNY)
48:30- Single or commit to regular guy that provides security?
50:22- B*s*xual ladies' standards for dating men v dating women (entertaining)
56:24- Kristina's SIMP TALE (First time we have heard a woman simp for a single mom LOL)
57:34- Dating as a rapper for Kid Trunks
59:24- Super Chats and ROAST SESSION (LMFAO)
1:03:03- LOL
1:05:32- Do the ladies consider s*x w/ 2 guys ok? @Official Saweetie and @Quavo Huncho reaction and discussion.
1:10:55- Dangers of marriage and how the wealthiest women are wealthy
1:13:35- Ladies fav s*x positions for men and women
1:16:51- More Super Chat roasts (LOL)
1:24:20- Guest contact info
1:28:00- Discussion on restaurants that roast customers?
1:29:20- The crazy things pay women to do to them...(RP truths) and Outro

Kid Trunks IG: @kidtrunks
Daniela- @ItsDanielaaandrea_
Kristina- @Kristinasanta
Jasmine- @JasmineeCharles
Talia- @Lollichtalia

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