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4 days in a ROAD TRAIN across Australia

Published on 02 Nov 2024 / In Film & Animation


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mrghoster 4 months ago

Brilliant vid. when I was aScgool kid we used to have a short film show (Travelogue) once a month in our Geography period. I always remember the one about the Aussie Road Train's, it was the day in a life of the driver and his mate, we are talking period wise the late 50's early 60's, and fuck were those things long in those day's as these guys drove across Australia full of Sheep. fascinating stuff then and still is. we also had other "Travelogues" about Tera Growing in the then Ceylon, Coffee and rubber production in Brazil and cocoa somewhere else? I remember the films well, but the Road Train has always stuck in my brain. Thanks Shane for posting this mate.

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Yeah truck driving videos are really good..... I like looking over the bonnet, and along the highway and the trucks running so nice.... This is a great video.... They show you just how big Australia really is...... AND they show the head lights from 12:50 onwards.... low, high and WW2 search light.... They are brilliant.

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From 30:15 - there is another good demo of the high beams.... Much to be desired..... If you had not of notices they travel the "well forrested roads" at 100Kmh - where the trees and scrub grow up to the edge, but they have like 40 - 80 tons on board and a GIANT cattle / camel / horse smashing bull bar on the front.... This is why I travel those roads from 40 - 70 Kmh and am in need of a light upgrade.... In process.

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