4 Months ago Ectolife 1 month ago Dead Ringers
4 months ago Ecto life 1 month ago Dead ringers both about artificial womb prepping society for the switch to allow men to have children without women creating true equality. All the people making videos against it don’t mention that women don’t have to use them, men don’t have to use them. People that want to start normal families under this current legal system are allowed to, but a large number of men won’t accept the deal our society offers, but still want children. The only other option besides artificial womb, is going overseas to find a wife to have kids with outside the western world, which includes Canada, Australia, usa, Western Europe. People like candice Owens bashes it, people like redacted, Natalie, bashes it, they call it transhumanism, what they really mean is that they want to prevent men, not chosen by women, to be able to have children. They are creating a hell earth with rampant crime in all leftists cities and soon everywhere, raising children without fathers. We will win against them. I pray.
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