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4 Women Sharing 1 Man - MGTOW

Published on 24 Jul 2020 / In People & Blogs

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- The MGTOW Book Collection
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Humanity Has More Mothers Than Fathers, DNA Reveals

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Tyrone and here's what he has to say: ""Hey Sandman, I found some shocking gene studies that indicate we have more mothers than father throughout history. And another study that shows that around the time humans invented agriculture(based on archielogical evidence) something strange happened where for every 17 women that reproduced, only 1 male did the same. This could be the first time in history where some men had significantly higher amount of wealth than the rest... I'm not going to spell out the rest. Instead I just picture an image if a golden spade." Anyways thank for letting me share my thoughts and as a request could you give us your perspective on this new found research." Well Tyrone thanks for the donation and topic. I put the two links you sent me in the description so that everyone can follow along with what I'm going to be talking about. But first here's today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways now back to the video. The first article you sent me is called "8,000 YEARS AGO, 17 WOMEN REPRODUCED FOR EVERY ONE MAN" and talks about the rough dating scene after the advent of agriculture where 17 women reproduced for every one man. There was no mass die off of males but the theory is that somehow only a few men accumulated most of the wealth, power and status for themselves leaving nothing for the other men. Then as they gathered their wealth they passed it down to their sons and that allowed their sons to reproduce with the majority of women as well. But something changed along the way and eventually human societies for the most part turned into ones where only one man would pair off with one woman. The people being interviewed for the article give theories as to why so few men reproduced but they don't discuss why for the past few thousand years almost every man that's wanted to get married and reproduce has had that option. I can only speculate as to why things changed but I suspect that one other civilization out there figured out that if they gave every single man a wife that that man would be have a stake in their system and be willing to fight more ferociously to defend it from foreign invaders. That's probably also why western society is declining today and marriage rates are down because sure every man can have a wife, but for how long before she divorces him? Another question to ask is why did the other 16 men hang around and accept that only Cromagnon Chad got to reproduced but they didn't? The men that didn't reproduce it wasn't like they served zero purpose for the communities they lived in. Many men dedicated their lives to becoming Shamen or Priests, or warriors. They found purpose for themselves outside of reproduction. You can see this sort of pattern in many Matriarchal Native American populations especially. Or they were there as a replacement in case one of the Alphas died and the women needed a replacement flesh flute. Some of those same natives when the European settlers showed up were eager to give up hunting and the nomadic way of life for farming. Can you blame them for trying to get away from their matriarchal way of life? They saw that each settler had his own wife and more importantly authority over her in addition to the opportunity to pass down their genes. But what happened
when agriculture was first introduced to a tribe without that outside western influence?

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by "Videezy.com"

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Alex913 5 years ago

Big John studied history and made a video about this.
Basically reproduction was just for wealthy men and the common man was using prostitutes for sex until 1800's.
After the industrial revolution prostitution and easy women were shamed and religious right imposed every man and woman to get married.
Here's the link if you want to see https://www.mgtow.tv/watch/mgt....ow-is-freedom-prosti

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FromMyAshes 5 years ago

I think you need a new chair. ...yours is making noises xD

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sauger1001 5 years ago

"Brought by Tyrone"? Says enough for me. The ????

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Igor MGTOW And Video Games

do you remember that one time a stupid woman said "eVeRYtHing iS rACiSt EVErYtHInG iS sEXisT And yOU HavE tO pOInT iT aLL oUt"

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Navigator_of_none 5 years ago

Yeah anita sharkeesian

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