40 Years Old Virgin... Part 2: Deep look into FA, Nice Guys MGTOWs and Incels
What's up Bulldogs! John Sonmez from Bulldog Mindset Here, where I teach you how to go from the Victim Mindset to the Bulldog Mindset.
This time I'm responding to the response I got from the gentlemen who sent me a fairly long E-mail about Black Pill truth, and how looks are only thing that matters, making someone who is unlucky when it comes to the genetic lottery en up having a horrifying failure with women to the point where he's a virgin at the age of 40 years old. Link to the first video below.
40 Years Old Virgin... A Black Pilled Story: You Must Watch This!:
Even though I made a detailed response to this gentlemen, I still wanted to continue this discussion because I wanted to give you a deep dive into the psychology of the Black Pill, Nice Guys, incels MGTOWs and what the gentleman right here mentions as Forever Alone.
Plus the danger of labeling yourself with a certain group that's giving you unfavorable outlook on yourself and your capabilities in a certain area of your life.
Basically labeling yourselves as a incels, forever alone guys is not beneficial to you in any way shape or form, the only thing that this believe force upon you is the fact that you are now part on a group of people who just suck at doing something, and they will never attain the success they wish they had.
This psyche affect a lot of you guys, labeling yourselves in a group of people as either MGTOWs Forever alone incels etc... Is actually false!
And I know a lot of you guys are gonna be enraged again, and how your experience is the absolute truth!
However I want you guys to use your head and realize how problematic it is, how much you're inhibiting yourself from taking chances, trying, face challenges, learning and then improving.
As I gave an example in this video, if you practice something with the wrong approach believe that it's wrong, you'll spend your time believe that you're a failure your whole life!
Anyways guys I hope this video is helpful to you as always!
And I see you n the next one!
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