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451-500 deGaris Masculist MGT... - profhugodegaris

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494a Masculists are Angrier at Women than Feminists are at Men, Part 1 (Masculism, MGTOW)

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Published on 14 Jan 2022 / In Non-profits & Activism

de Garis Masculism MGTOW Flyers
Flyer No. 494a
Title : Masculists are Angrier at Women than Feminists are at Men, Part 1 (Masculism, MGTOW)
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Book : MASCULISM, Men's Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 490+ Masculist Flyers for Men's Studies Courses; by Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis, (freely downloadable, in MS Word format, from)
Descr : This flyer states that masculists are angrier at women than feminists are at men, because women oppress men far worse than vice versa, with their decades lasting, manslavery of men, by not bothering to FIP up, living off his money and labor for decades, making her a hated, fluffie, manslaving, parasite. Masculists have an even greater hatred of fluffie feminists who control the divorce courts, with their hypocrisy and indirect genocide, which are major gender crimes against men and humanity. Masculists are becoming increasingly angry and hateful by the month, and lash out publicly to an ever greater extent.

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