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Phuck You Joe Biden I'm Leaving


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Published on 25 Sep 2021 / In People & Blogs


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doomem2 3 years ago

When freedom is outlawed only outlaws will be free !!!

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GhostEmHard 3 years ago

AML, have a look at LetsGo.Finance. Maybe something like LetsGo.Finance can be integrated with mgtow.tv to enable easy crypto donations and revenue sharing. Lets see if mgtow.tv can beat Stefan Molyneux with a larger staking pool over time..
URL: https://letsgo.finance/
Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XW8gdzdFccs

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csehszlovakze 3 years ago

Trust me Amr, Hungary is THE WORST POSSIBLE OPTION for you!

>getting a gun legally is pretty hard, even for citizens
>most purchases have a 27% (world record) VAT tax
>denying any authoritarian genocide (holocaust, holodomor etc.) is a crime and this site would be shut down by the authorities, to the point that any "far right" news site has to be hosted in the USA
>we're indeed xenophobic as hell, so you'd be only to live in the capital which is a liberal shithole
>Orbán is a huge fan of the WuFlu and was literally the first to gain (((emergency powers))) to do whatever the fuck he wanted
>during the last lockdown, if you did't wear a mask and went into an establishment, then not only you got assraped by the state but also the establishment INCLUDING suspension of their permits for a WHOLE YEAR
>they're probing the population whether an Italy-style "no jab no job" system would work or if it'd cause a huge stink (elections are next year)

If I were you I'd look into Albania, it's a Muslim country so you would fit in more easily.

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buddd 3 years ago

I would recommend setting up your servers in either the Ukraine or Russia because Eastern Europe isn't exactly safe from the woke BS and besides Russia's pretty based these days. Just be careful man, I really hope you stay safe in this Cyberpunk dystopia we live in.

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