4REAL: godzilla vs king kong (select HD for best viewing)
Published on 01 Apr 2021 / In
Film & Animation
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1. The strong, smart, rich, white man that cannot accept his NEW place in the world. He spends his time obsessed with a return to the "Apex." This of course must mean he's evil, and of course Hollywood writes his well deserved destruction, at his own clueless hand no less.
2. His SON/daughter/SON is the most hyper masculine character of all the people. Disrespects men she has no reason to, and acts like her dick is bigger than his. But of course hyper masculinity is just a show, and when the danger is real she is clearly terrified, "As ALL men are" according to Hollywood/Lefty wood.
3. The strong, smart females are the only ones with a clue as to what's going on. Even the competent strong father figure with the authority to investigate Apex industries has to be shown that his daughter was correct all along, and if he'd have just "LISTENED", a supposedly female trait wink, wink, all of this destruction need not have happened.
4. Every other male in this movie is either a beta orbiter, or a weird obsessive ( Highly trained engineer ??? ) The male scientist chosen to lead the mission was totally vestigial. The other men were faceless disposable monster fodder. Their sacrifices meant nothing, which is the most accurate portrayal of what is "EXPECTED" of men. Sit down, shut up, and die on cue when we tell you to, so we/society can get on with our comfortable lives.
5. Kong would rather die than share the world's top spot with Godzilla, and it took a female to show him that ALPHA MALES can live together, and even cooperate to destroy ( OUR ) real enemy, Toxic masculinity. We MEN must all be led by the FEMALE hand to the utopia they imagine.
Holy FUCK, does this movie suck rancid wombat balls.... Worst CGI, Ever.
Want to say thank you to who paid to allow us to view this new movie ? release. It greatly appreciated.
Beer, and crackers, enjoy!