$5 BILLION TO BLACK FARMERS | Actually No... Not Even Close... more like $200-900 Million
Published on 22 Mar 2021 / In
Film & Animation
Fake News Headlines with catch phrases have plagued the world with deceit over the past several years. Nothing is more deceitful than the headlines claiming that "$5 Billion Dollars of the the COVID Relief Bill Will Go To Black Farmers." The truth is only about 2-9% of the bill will actually go to aiding Black Farmers. But will debt relief actually help close the gap of diversity in American Agriculture? No. Here's what is working.
#makefarmersblackagain #blackfarmers #stimulus #agriculture #minorities #biden #foodsecurity
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"pay off debt to black farmers"
Shiiit, all of a sudden I identify as transblack, fuck it, outcrazy the jokerworld
THIS jews , all race shit.....no work for it ? communist demons parasites ...we are gonna KILL YOU
Yeah the stimulus package definitely benefits nobody.