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5 K's of Cock - You losers have to try harder

Published on 03 Dec 2021 / In Film & Animation


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The retard "Hard hairy big pack" pointed out the obvious - that not only I can see and so can everyone else on the planet can see, is that I am fucking over weight.....

Hard hairy big pack 17 hours ago
"who is this fat fuck?"

The main reason I am so fucking fat is because I LOVE really HOT chillie sauces on slices (from the block) of tasty cheese.

If you eat enough cheese, often enough, over a long enough period of time, you end up pretty fucking FAT.






And now instead of eating ONE or TWO Kg of cheese a week, I am only buying ONE 250 gram pack of something exotic every 2 weeks....




The fat fuck has spoken.

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Hard hairy big pack
Hard hairy big pack 3 years ago

who is this fat fuck?

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Yeah I am a bit too fond of the kilo blocks of cheddar cheese, sliced up thin, with lots of hot chillie sauce.... So yeah.... About you intelligent observations, like, "Your fat" and "The sun is shining" and "It gets dark at night" - why have you put yourself down so low in the smarts department? Forget the bad manners, being that dumb is a fucking embarassment.

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sithsith 3 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson:Modern medicine , modern food is the enemy of men. Notice people who eat healthy unlike us, like Eskimos, Massais don't suffer from cancer, diabetes, tooth decay. They do however sometimes suffer from starvation, but life is a constant fight against death. I think modernity made us forget what we really are, and what nature is! Everything artificial we create like pesticides, plastics are killing us and the animals! Never forget brothers, being MGTOW is going your own way!My way now is to accept mother and father nature!

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@sithsith: I am fat by choice - so I chose to eat the foods (cheese) that makes me fat.... I was OK with eating the cheese, and backing off on the exercise..... And the plan change - only buy a small piece of some exotic rotten cheese on the day of the shopping trip... And the obesity just melts away.

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@InfiniteMushroom: Thanks for the support - but I chose to eat the foods that made me fat, in quantities that would do a good job of it. Success! So I am getting picked on by some dumb fuck who can only point out the obvious.... "Who is this fat fuck?" - Well yeah I am fat, EVERYONE can see this... And their point is? Do they have the skills in diet and exercise to help me help myself? NO. Would they go out of their way, to help me to help myself improve? NO - so their stating the obvious and making no fucking contribution cause they can't. So fuck them.... All I have to do is lay off the bulk quantities of cheese, and the excess fat will just melt away.

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@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: And the retard making the comment, I can lose the weight, but they can't make themselves smarter. Touche`.

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