5 Lies Mothers Destroy Their Sons With. Single Moms, The Revolting Man
Published on 01 May 2021 / In
Film & Animation
No one can warp a man like his mother, here’s some of the lies a bad mother uses to warp her sons.
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Lol so convenient and callous for a woman to order her husband or son to go to war, and 'come back a hero or not at all.' Meanwhile they fuck around, have whole emotional/sexual affairs, have other men's babies, waste money on frivolous shit with zero oversight from the husband, etc.
It works out to be extremely convenient for women to support a war-like society: THEY [the women] benefit immensely from having the husbands be slaves for the female-benefiting society, while not being in the women's way while they do things that would have the husband hurt or kill her. It's the ultimate awesome setup for the elite profiteers AND the whoring women that supposedly "love" their husbands to death.
Makes a lot of sense to me now.
Content starts at 3:30
"The Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world". Anything the single mother says or does, "she" herself will be the focus-point of. this includes the future possibilities, resources, and energies of her children. Which is why if you get too successful, she will become the main obstacle in your way. They function within dysfunction.