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5 Ways To Know She's For The Streets w/ Donovan Sharpe

Published on 30 Jan 2025 / In Entertainment

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00:00 : Stream loading…
18:00 : INTRO | You guys need redpill content 💊
22:00 : Clip: Guy gets friend zoned and she gives her number away to another man 📱
26:35 : #5 She uses her body for compensation 💵
30:30 : Women will brazenly disrespect you if you let it
34:45 : You only got the job because you look good
37:00 : How do you know she does xxx for money? 💵
39:50 : Pro masculine content is being censored 🤬
46:00 : Clip: Club Shay Shay talking about the current dating market 🎥
50:10 : Normies have to be careful talking about redpill truths unfortunately
51:55 : The world is frustrating blue pilled ♿️
55:40 : Clip resumes | Women aren’t like your grandmother anymore 🗣️🔥
57:30 : All, if not most, men are invisible to most women.
1:02:30 : #4 Most women don’t respect most men
1:05:40 : Clip: She has HSV1 🤢
1:09:00 : #3 She uses different guys for different roles
1:11:15 : #2 She is always seeking attention from anyone willing to give it to her
1:14:10 : You can’t be friends with guys who are bad with women 🚫
1:16:30 : Definition of a s!mp | She must put skin in the game
1:22:50 : Clip: If you have time for me you’re a loser
1:26:30 : Chasing women is counterproductive financially and health wise.
1:32:35 : Castle Club meetup details 🏰 | W Frank 🐕 showing his tricks
1:34:50 : Reading chats 💬 A lot of creators watch FnF on the DL
1:37:00 : Tainted white girls 💀
1:38:40 : Clip: Be careful who you marry 💍
1:43:10 : Clip: She went to a Lil Durk concert and left her man after
1:48:10: Redpill Fridays for all the new viewers 💊
1:52:00 : THOTS have certain behaviors |
1:56:30 : #1 She has an unhealthy habit of going to the club
1:57:35 : Where can we find you Donovan?
1:59:00 : We’re going back to the basics | OUTRO

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