501-550 deGaris Masculist MGTO... - profhugodegaris
533b Two Powerful Reasons why it is in Monoconscious Feminists Self Interest to Become Biconscious,
de Garis Masculism MGTOW Flyers
Flyer No. 533b
Title : Two Powerful Reasons why it is in Monoconscious Feminists Self Interest to Become Biconscious, Part 2 (Masculism, MGTOW)
Text URL : https://profhugodegaris.files.....wordpress.com/2022/0
All Flyers URL : https://profhugodegaris.wordpr....ess.com/mgtow-mascul
Book : MASCULISM, Men's Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 530+ Masculist Flyers for Men's Studies Courses; by Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis, (freely downloadable, in MS Word format, from) https://profhugodegaris.wordpr....ess.com/masculism-me
Descr : This flyer provides two powerful reasons why it is in monoconscious feminists self interest to become biconscious, i.e., they will be more likely to keep a male feminist boyfriend if she becomes biconscious and therefore be much nicer to be with, or if he becomes biconscious faster than she does, then she will likely be dumped by him. A monoconscious feminist without a boyfriend will be more likely to get one, to help pay for her to have a kid, if she is biconscious, since she will then be much nicer and more competitive as a biconscious feminist than will a monoconscious feminist, who is much more likely to rot on the shelf, since men find monoconscious feminazi cunts repulsive and leave them rotting on the shelf.
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