Red Pill Asylum 4 - RedKnight

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54 Year Old Former Playboy Model Is UPSET That GOOD Men Are Ignoring Her....

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Published on 18 Nov 2022 / In People & Blogs


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Attitude + Age + Fertility + Overall Looks and Condition.

- Fertility = A gonner.
- Age = A goner.
- Looks and Condition = A gonner.
- Attitude = A Gonner.

Infertile + OLD + looks like shit and is way out of shape + A SHITTY attitude = A total gonner.

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sauger1001 2 years ago

5:40. Translation: I've been riding the cock carousel for at least 25yrs, and I can't get off. I still want Chadrone.

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BenjaSariwatta 2 years ago

The typical excuse of a whore would be the past doesn't matter. I don't know where they heard that or why they think it is a rule as if everyone agreed with it somehow. So consider these facts:

1. When you go to college, they want your report card/transcripts to show your history/past.

2. When you apply for an apartment, they want your credit report and eviction report to show your histpry/past.

3. When you apply for a loan to buy a house, they want your credit report and pay stub going back however many months to show your history/past.

4. When you apply for a job, they want to see your resume and references to show your history/past.

5. When you apply for a conceal carry permit, they want to see your criminal record to show your history/past.

Just about everything important in life requires showing your history/past. So what dumb fuck still thinks your past conduct doesn't matter? Do these dumb fucks live in reality?

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Pompousandfaggy 2 years ago

Hell Some states actually require an HIV test before you get a marriage license… In case your past came back to haunt you

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