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673a How Politicians Can Solve the Birthrate Crash, Part 1 (Masculism, MGTOW)

Published on 22 Jun 2024 / In Non-profits & Activism

de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers
Flyer No. 673a
Title : How Politicians Can Solve the Birthrate Crash, Part 1
Text URL :
Book : MASCULISM, Men's Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 670+ Masculist Flyers for Men's Studies Courses; by Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis, (freely downloadable, in MS Word format, from)
Descr : This flyer shows how politicians can solve the birthrate crash that threatens, if sustained, to wipe out whole populations. It lists three main causes of this birthrate crash, namely, 1) kids are too expensive, hence mothers need to be given a hefty maternity wage, while they are at home raising very small children, 2) that feminism has taught women to have their own careers and not be parasites on men, not be dependent on men, which the masculists agree with, up to a point, and 3) that the gender laws must be menfaired if young men are to be willing to be fathers again, otherwise they will continue to reject marriage and paternity, preferring to spend their money on themselves, i.e. living the MGTOW lifestyle.

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