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686b Politicians! Wake Up! Two Thirds of U.S. Young Men Don't Even Date Young Women! Part 2 (Masculism, MGTOW)

Published on 19 Sep 2024 / In Non-profits & Activism

de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers

Flyer No. 686b
Title : Politicians! Wake Up! Two Thirds of U.S. Young Men Don't Even Date Young Women! Part 2
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Book : MASCULISM, Mens Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 680+ Masculist Flyers for Mens Studies Courses; by Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis, (freely downloadable, in MS Word format, from)
Descr : This flyer puts a rocket under the politicians, to wake them up to the enormous implications of the fact that in the US, two thirds of young men dont even date young women, thus being a major cause in the crash of the birth rate, thus wiping out whole populations. To persuade young men to be fathers again, the gender laws need to be made menfair, and monoconscious feminists need to be made biconscious, by teaching them and society, masculist and MGTOW ideas. Birth rate committees of experts and politicians need to put legislative pressure on YouTube to become a lot friendlier to the masculists and MGTOWs so that masculist and MGTOW ideas can spread a lot faster across the planet, so people can become biconscious, and push for the menfairing of the gender laws and the creation of a biconscious and FIP Society.

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Toki 5 months ago

What about older men? I know tons of single older men where I live. There's me and my friend who simply have no appetite for having our souls drained by Femons. Then there's the older men I know such as coworkers who are low status and in terrible physical condition. They have more freedom though. The married guys are beta males to their wives and won't see the $divorce$ coming.
I'm a low status peasant but getting laid is potentially super easy. The problem is I want a loyal maiden, not a hoe who's someone else's ex-partner. I won't accept it even if she had only one previous partner.
Also who cares about birthing more tax slaves? Having children especially boys is cruel. My grandfather was an idiot slave who went to Europe in WW2 like a total moron. He was at least head of the household though. My father is my mother's pet. Having to grow up in that environment makes me dislike women as a whole. Also my spoiled older sister the welfare sponge hoe who bred with a convict instead of a nice guy. An arranged marriage would have been better for us all. See I was born to pay taxes for my mother's and sister's benefit because they are both collecting Gov income. I will not bring children into this just to be enslaved by people including my own selfish family. God would want Good men to stop breeding at this point. Because Satan dominates Earth and always has basically. Why breed more humans just to live in Hell? Don't worry my sister shat out three boys to pay your social security benefits being a "professor" who is part of the useless economy. One of them is a criminal already though because single mother. Is that what you want? Children who have no hope and therefore become criminals? What other options do they have? Honest work doesn't pay enough for the youth to survive. Dishonesty, Sloth, Greed, and Lust are seen as success in a human society. If politicians exist at all I won't be producing slaves for them. Same with workplace management and investors = Slave owners. Also voters are slave owners. Assuming they get Gov benefits of any type. I'm not entitled to a retirement so nobody else is either. Lazy people all over my country just want free handouts from my contributions and of course they want to have kids. To work for them. Professors for example who make an income simply talking and somehow that's considered a form of work. Or all the unemployed people online asking for free handouts. What's truly matters is men at work and getting dirty from being productive. Without them you starve and have no electricity. I'm the only person in my family who has an honest productive job. My father used to but now he's riding out on retirement in debt to appease my selfish mother. See I use my brain before testicles.
Also modern women are disgusting. It's the age of the waifu now with pure angels who are superior in every way compared to real women. Fashion sense and body weight for example. Most waifus are pure maidens, not hoes like real life women. Waifus won't get pregnant and condemn a soul to come suffer living as a human on Earth.
One of my married coworkers has two kids who are 10 or 12 years old. He's already talking about charging them rent. He's super lazy at work. His wife controls the household. He is also a pot belly pregnant male. However myself the untainted pure soul is the opposite. I'm not fat, have no debts, and don't take orders from women. His wife has a corrupt job occupation working for Umbrella Inc. Pharma corporations. But they are fat so what do they know about basic health? Take your vaccine and die early so you don't get retirement. This is what she is doing as a pharmacist. Killing people slowly while having the Prideful arrogance of a med student working for a genocidal corporation of processed drugs, not medicine. I'm supposed to bring children into this right? To be force-vaccinated at birth and sabotage their health for life. While big corporation makes easy money off me like a farm animal being to stupid to understand why reproduction is failing at life. Condemning your new calves to be property on the corporate Gov farm who owns everything.
The politicians can have fun hiding in their royal palaces from the new migrants who WILL drag them out to the guillotines. Migrants have plenty of kids because they are low IQ. Consider Japan and Korea. Highest IQ men in the world not having kids. Makes sense to me because reproduction is a fool's journey. Thanks to them I have the superior female form of waifu. Superior in appearance and personality. We already replaced women with automatic dishwashers and laundry machines. Women are totally obsolete today.

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