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6pm Curfew For Men In The UK? - MGTOW

Published on 07 Apr 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Sarah Everard: Baroness who suggested 6pm curfew for men says she wanted to make a point

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Robert. He didn't send me a specific topic so I thought I'd cover a recent story about how Baroness Jenny Jones in the UK suggested that to protect women's safety that that men would be required to be at home after 6pm so that women would be safe on the streets. Of course if such an insane law was ever passed do you really think the criminal classes would abide by it or would they have a field day raping and pillaging while the men watched helplessly from their windows unable to white knight and protect women. Of course a few days after saying this the Baroness, which also happens to be the name of the female villain in GI Joe said that she wasn't entirely serious about the curfew for men. Saying not entirely serious is like saying almost pregnant which is technically not possible. Either she's serious about it or she's not. She can't be a fence sitter on such an issue. Other females in Parliament said that what she was proposing was insane because you couldn't take away the freedoms of an entire sex because that would be considered oppression. But to that all I have to say is how much longer before women
make up the majority of politicians and they start voting this sort of non sense in? You'll start to see coalitions of disgruntled cat ladies oppressing men because Chad didn't want to savage their cat lady cooch. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the crazy cat lady clown world show. So two days after the Baroness said all men should have a 6pm curfew she back peddled in a half assed way by saying that she's "That in fact nobody makes a fuss when, for example, the police suggest women stay home. But when I suggest it, men are up in arms.. Those were her exact words. What world does this woman live? For example when a male police man told women in Toronto they were dressing too slutty and it
could get them into trouble they decided to create the slut walk which became a global phenomena. Since women do women listen to what police officers say and take it seriously. She's old and out of touch aristocracy thinking the world is one way when it's a completely different way. If a man said something like this then there would be calls for his resignation and his party would throw him out but because a woman said it this doesn't happen because it's all about that female privilege. Plus women are always complaining about sexual harassment from men. Women have groped me before and so has a gay male and as a straight man who am I supposed to complain to about that? They probably want me to feel privileged if they grab me and oppressed if I grabbed them. The problem is that women like to launch shit tests on men and they want us to fight back because it's fun for them with regards to drama and they want to test how strong we are and willing to stand up to them. Like a child testing parental boundaries all the time.

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robomandrake 4 years ago

Not to mention that with all the men home at night the women would have to buy each other dinner, drinks, show tickets, and so on. Meanwhile the men-folk would be home gaming and stacking coins.

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cth96190 4 years ago

When you hear a woman scream in the darkness, stay inside your home.
Women, fish, bicycles and all that.

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