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70 Female Porn Stars Who Have Died

Published on 15 Apr 2023 / In Film & Animation

Why do these women get into PORN? If a woman gets into Porn, because she's obsessed with Sex, often there's an unhealthy Addiction or Hypersexual Disorder, which the industry is profitting off. Sexual Disorders usually come as symptoms of Broader Mental Health issues, and so working in Porn is making that a lot worse.


Part 1 - A Kind of Hope by Scott Buckley

CREDIT goes out to the Artist:

A Kind Of Hope by Scott Buckley |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Part 2 - She Moved Mountains by Scott Buckley

CREDIT goes out to the Artist:

She Moved Mountains by Scott Buckley |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Part 3 - Long Sad Piano Music by YouTube

Internet Porn has become fully normalised in our Hyper-Sexualised Society.

Many of us think the Actors just love having Sex and getting paid for it, meaning there’s nothing wrong with the Porn Industry.

But in reality, this isn’t the case.

On social media, Porn Stars tend to play along, giving the illusion that they're living their best lives while having loads of Sex and making tons of cash.

In reality, the world of Online Porn has a dark underbelly, full of Sexual Violence, Exploitation and Addiction.

They chose this; now they have paid for it. Their destruction is proof that Yahweh is righteous and just.

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QuantMan 2 years ago

Sad all around. Every single one of them could have "easily" found a good guy and had a nice healthy matter what happened to them as children. Unfortunately, like moths...women can't stay away from the light even though it will consume them. Since this video has been posted on a mgtow site, I would just encourage all men to stay away from women will problems: save yourself.

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GenerationLESS 2 years ago

Gotta wonder if the asthma attacks were from smoking crack or meth, and the liver failures were from drinking themselves to death. That would add to the overdose numbers.

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 2 years ago

Excellent point. I was wondering about that since there were quire a few that said asthma. I also noted the car accidents and suicides by hanging. I had a job once that gave me a good perspective on fatal car accidents and what causes them. Most of these were likely drug or alcohol related. The suicides by hanging was what floored me. Women usually are pain averse and choose sleep aided suicide methods , so these women really meant it.

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 2 years ago

Hyper-sexualized women were usually abused as children or became sexually active at a very young age. In their case it led them to seeing their worth as a person was tied to sex and/or they saw the power sex gave them when dealing with men. This is why I tell guys to not get involved with nymphos. And by that I mean a woman who wants it way more than he does. Their past is sad and unfortunate but the guy dating her is not the person who can help her.

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Councilof1 2 years ago

That industry has a high rate of drug OD's and suicide. Actually worse than I expected.

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