9 -Year- Old Louisiana boy suspended After BB gun spotted his house
Published on 26 Sep 2020 / In
Film & Animation
walk&talk MGTOW shit
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Teacher#s are part of the system, they are Bullies, pervert's Pedo's and anything else that the system makes them.You swallow the Satanic coolaide you are automatically vulnerable or sold your soul to EVIL.
10 years ago, without today's lunatics, people would condemned a household were guns are loaded and laying around for kids to mess with. The safety of children drives people to say "the government should do something about it".
Its a slippery sloap, when you start that path you end up with absurd draconian laws "to protect the children", like getting nuts when a gun is near a kid.
School shootings drive people to say "the government should do something about it". Again the government is happy to comply by CRIMINALIZING KIDS AS POTENTIAL MASS MURDERS. Thus you have those "zero tolerance" rules about guns in schools and in the hands of kids.
That is what happens when people value safety above freedom: they have none.
Now kids are as likely to die of gun violence as before, but far more likely to suffer system's violence and absurdity . And everyone keeps losing their freedom in the process.
I pity kids these days.