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911 Operator Taunts Woman As She Drowns

Published on 05 Sep 2024 / In News & Politics

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KEEPER 11 days ago  

if you want to watch the end part, i forgot that part was in the video, but i can only upload 360p at the moment so it's not really worth uploading here, but i can link the video so you can find it so you can see the location and understand the context of where this all happened.

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sbseed 11 days ago

dispatcher needs to go to jail for manslaughter...

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WMHarrison94 11 days ago

Damn... Fort Smith? I think that's in Oklahoma or Arkansas... flash flooding from rain does happen a lot...

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WMHarrison94 11 days ago

Guess she was a Trump voter...The call center was a Demoncrat.

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KEEPER 11 days ago

i thought she acted more like liberal to be honest, conservative women are usually trained not to be useless people who can't swim or who cant figure their way out of situations when it comes to survival situations like this, liberal women are trained to only call the police and panick when they are in trouble and wait for the police and never use a gun or attempt to protect themselves., liberal women tend to be hopeless in most cases, i'm sure some might have some training to handle some situations, but mostly their route is to accuse or panick

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WMHarrison94 11 days ago

@KEEPER: she still could have been a Trump voter in his Big Steal 2020...

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Toki 11 days ago

@KEEPER: Too fat to swim.

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KEEPER 11 days ago

@WMHarrison94: it's possible, conservative's tend to be religious over liberals, so maybe because she asked if the dispatcher would help her pray, like everyone who saw this looked at the dispatcher as an asshole, and i did as well but not specifically for that reason, at one point in the video people were pointing to when she told the drowning women to shut up, but she didn't say shut up, she said " i'm going to need you to shut up" this has a very diffrent meaning, she was obviously trying to get this women's information to the police from what she could extract from this women in her car, but she wouldn't shut up so the dispatcher could focus on helping her. like i would probably mute her or cover the ear piece so i could write that shit down and help her, but i'm saying i understand the situation was very stressful on both sides.

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KEEPER 11 days ago

at no point in time did the dispatcher ever consider telling her to attempt to find something anything to break her window to escape, like i know she says she can't swim, but i would much better fight for my life than waiting for the useless police to show up fuck.

i would be taking my fucking seatbelt and wacking the window with it to break it at all costs and escape the car and still risk swimming even if i couldn't swim, like i feel sorry, but shit, it's a shitty situation and panicking does nothing for a person, i would probably panic as well at the beginning but i would also find something to break the window and try to at least escape.

this lady kept worrying about dumb shit during this whole ordeal, like caring about her pets or her car catching fire while in the water, well i guess if she's in a Tesla that could happen if it's salt water, but i think this was in PA, i forgot where.

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WMHarrison94 11 days ago

There's a "pen" you can buy that has a reinforced forged point made just for smashing into windshields...Tactical 5.11 makes one.

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KEEPER 11 days ago

@WMHarrison94: yeah i know about it, but most people never think ahead for such things and are never prepared, so the only other suggestion is to use whatever you have inside of the car to break it, and the one thing i can think of that comes with the car is the seatbelt as it's made of metal and if you get enough slack of the belt you can do a devastating blow to the window and break it, but her panicking and the useless dispatcher could only tell her to sit still. like again i do feel sorry but we can't pretend that staying waiting for the police to show up is the only choice, people need to be self sufficent, and like i'm not trying to be rude to the lady who drowned but she was in her freaking looked like she might have been her early 40s maybe and she still didn't know how to swim, like i have a disability in both of my arms and i didn't let that deter me i can swim, maybe not for very long but to get out of a situation like this, i would have done anything to avoid drowning at all costs.

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WMHarrison94 11 days ago

@KEEPER: you voul punch it and then walk it... hit it again and it shatters or the pressure shatters it. The woman might have been too weak though, but an adrenaline rush from fight or flight might have been enough.

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WMHarrison94 11 days ago

@KEEPER: I've drown before; it was one of my three deaths, probably one of the most goes dark and then cold... so fucking cold... just saying. I am alive because my mom did CPR on me.

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KEEPER 11 days ago

@WMHarrison94: damn dude, the fact that you can even remember the feeling of being cold in death, or maybe it was when your heart started beating again that you felt cold not during the death itself, but the part of blacking out and goes dark going from panic mode to darkness i suppose could be peaceful, did you have some afterlife vision that you could remember, i might have asked this once before and you might have already told me, but i may need a reminder.

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WMHarrison94 11 days ago

@KEEPER: Yeah... that one I watched my mom do CPR on me... kind of like that bus driver scene in Always? The movie about pilots dropping loads (water and shit) on Forest fires..

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KEEPER 11 days ago

@WMHarrison94: i'm not sure i ever saw that movie, but i have seen other shows or movies that presented that aspect for the after death perspective.

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Toki 11 days ago

A snap punch will break a car window. Windshield is more durable. I used to break boards and all that so I know the technique. A woman needs a man to save her though. Even if she's a "black belt" in her marital arts group.

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WMHarrison94 11 days ago

@KEEPER: I did die three times four sure, but I suspect there might be one more or perhaps, I was just summoned by the Gods... I met One of the Gods and my Matriarchs of my bloodlines... kind of wierd, but it was "post" a vaginal birth from complete darkness and then forced into a bright blinding Light... that one was after a car accident I was comatose for a couple of days or a night... it's not documented though; I think my grandfather paid lawyers to keep it out. I bled out once too... glass cut me near my subclavian artery... I remember looking into it before it went red and then black. I believe Angels watched over me and slowed my metabolism and bleeding... I sid cross over to the afterlife then too and one more time... the one I may have been summoned as an astral body. I remember being in a library... I believe it was the Ashanti (All World Knowledge) Library, but those memories are still foggy... I think I learned of Atlantis at this one...I would say that scene of Robin Williams in What Dreams May Come in the library floating is I guess similar but not what I experienced: I remember sitting at a table there in the library. Sometimes, flashes of those crossovers' memories.

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WMHarrison94 11 days ago

@Toki: Agreed...

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WMHarrison94 11 days ago

@Toki: These bitches should be happy we don't make them walk across safara plains balancing a water vase on their heads fearful of luon attacks and bandits raping them, actual knife to neck and clothes cut rape...

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KEEPER 11 days ago

@WMHarrison94: don't take this the wrong way, but have you ever tried to induce these visions or dreams or memories using drugs like LSD?

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WMHarrison94 10 days ago

@KEEPER: No. Not knowingly. These drugs I think are demonic and too addictive. The only drugs I'm addicted to are chocolate, caferine, oxygen, and pussy...

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KEEPER 10 days ago

@WMHarrison94: as hammerhan would say you've been eating too much of the box! Lol

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KEEPER 10 days ago

@WMHarrison94: funny enough I think I have all the same addictions, except eating the Box I'm not going to do that shit anytime soon.

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KEEPER 10 days ago

Well technically I'm into sugar, So when you say chocolate is it chocolate itself or is it the sugar in the chocolate? Cuz I can't tell you I enjoy chocolate without sugar in it, that's just nasty it's like drinking coffee without any sugar I think that's gross, I do know some people that can do it but for me that's just way too bitter.

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KEEPER 10 days ago

You know I recorded a video I intended to upload today, and then I took a nap woke up and then I deleted it, why did I delete it you might ask, I'm not sure it was even worth it, I was just ranting about random shit off the cuff no script none of that shit, I'm not even sure if I'm confident I want to be doing that kind of thing, it's kind of weird because I I want to share my thoughts on things, but at the same time I feel like whatever the hell up talking about is just nonsense and who's going to give a fuck about what I have to say about anything.

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KEEPER 10 days ago

It was a video that was damn near 40 minutes long, I started talking about something and I wouldn't really say it was important it was just kind of changed that I made, at the beginning I thought it was important, but halfway through the video light started saying to myself maybe this isn't that important maybe it doesn't need to be heard, and so I got really tired while talking about it and so I fell asleep and then I wake up later on and then I just delete it. And it really was just kind of random shit the came to my mind, I'm the kind of person that can just ramble on forever, doesn't necessarily mean the information is important it's just that I can talk about very stupid things my problem is I have what's called a random access memory or I just kind of spat off anything and then somehow I figure out how to spell off more things, eventually just becomes a video of me rambling about random nonsense or first world problems that I probably don't need to talk about anyway.

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WMHarrison94 10 days ago

@KEEPER: try chocolate with stevia... or monkfruit from which is what stevia is derived.

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WMHarrison94 10 days ago

@KEEPER: you'd be surprised... If you look at stream of consciousness like you write whatever comes into your mind, it's a tactic to overcome writer's block, unfiltered you might find ideas or truths unknown... just saying.

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WMHarrison94 10 days ago

@KEEPER: so you made a THOTtie video or a Seinfield episode!? There's worse things to loose your time on...

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KEEPER 10 days ago

@WMHarrison94: you know what's funny, i have tried Stivia and i hate it, however monk fruit tastes much better, so i don't see how they are related lol.

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KEEPER 10 days ago

@WMHarrison94: i started off the video talking about me finally moving to Rumble and saying that i was done with youtube, but youtube is where all the good shit is because nobody wants to come to rumble, except stupid political channels i mean i might listen to those just not always political stuff i care about, i found that they had some decent gaming channels and i watched a good video game movie, it was assassins creed brotherhood, anyway my whole point in leaving youtube had to do with how fucking often i'm censored, you know me, i like to interact with people in the comments, but this would happen at least 85% of the time regardless if i censored myself or not, youtube just like to shadow ban my comments, and it's happening even more now than ever before, i hate it, Rumble like this website needs lots of variety, but that's pretty much what it was all about, it was a dumb video. almost no importance.

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KEEPER 10 days ago

@WMHarrison94: also in this case i wouldn't say it was writers block, i already said i could ramble on and on about anything, the conversation could have not ended, but i decided i was a little tired and needed to take a nap so that's why i stopped lol.

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WMHarrison94 10 days ago

@KEEPER: Sorry you were shadowbanned: I was straight out banned for pointing out in October 2020 how they were going to Steal Trump's re-election in November. I've been banned since... so I can not use it on my phone. I had three other acvounts, but I think two of them are banned for nonuse.

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KEEPER 9 days ago

@WMHarrison94: yeah i have gotten 24 hour bans for shit i say to them telling me if i do it to much they will delete my account fully and block my IP address, which was also my main email account when i first started using youtube back in the day. it's weird because i have said much of the same things you have and they never completely banned my account, and i was one of the many individuals who were quoting the TFM mantra of taking women's rights away, and i said this really quite often, now they have it to a point if there are key words used they censor or delete the comment or shadow ban the comment. then there was the whole telegram scammers who were posting scam links in youtube chat and even impersonating people and the only thing youtube did to shut that shit down was to prevent any account from using links, unless they were willing to give youtube their identity, and i was unwilling to give them my real name, so you can no longer post links, there was a time when i could post links directly to this website, but now you use the simple acronym of mgtow in any of your comments the comment is always taken down, you can't even say the long name "men going their own way" in a sentence, this is how far they have gone to prevent it.

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KEEPER 9 days ago

it's become damn near impossible to describe to people how to get to this website, before they were banning links i would do a simple brave search of the website and tell them to click on the one that was at the top, well that exploit is gone thanks to the telegram scam assholes.

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KEEPER 9 days ago

i wish youtube would allow images so i could post an image of a QR code for people to scan and have it link them back to this site, but nope, that's not anything they allow.,

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WMHarrison94 9 days ago

@KEEPER: well MGTOW meant really Men Guarding Their Wallets... the boys told me so Lol! Well, they told Sandman... so their Fathers and Boys going their own way... FAGTOW and BGTOWN... just tell them F is for Fags and threaten to transgender discrinimation lawsuit...TFM taught us that one! LOL!

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WMHarrison94 9 days ago

@KEEPER: Yeah, I still have my email and photos but no YT... I really hit the nail on the head and piss them off. Guess they don't like analysts especially those who out-anal-lyze themselves!

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WMHarrison94 9 days ago

That's why I moved onto Protonmail... I was using Opera along side Brave, but a Chinese ad company bought Opera browser.

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KEEPER 9 days ago

my hand hurts to much to give a big response even though i want to say some stuff. pretty much video games are killer on my hands lol, but at least i had some fun.

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KEEPER 9 days ago

i will upload the gameplay footage once it's done being compressed via the handbreak session i put it on.

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WMHarrison94 9 days ago

@KEEPER: I can't get Handbrake to work let alone load!?! I found Simple Screen Recorder but I've been having problems using it in Windows 10... fucking updates I think.

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KEEPER 9 days ago

@WMHarrison94: the recorder i have been using is Nvidia's built in recorder, but it uses so much damn resources, like i made a 30 minute video and on the lowest settings for the recorder, outside of resolution and fps, it raked up to using 7GB file size, like what the hell? that's insane, why the hell does it use that much file space is beyond my understanding, so i had to trim some of it down by like 5 minutes because there were some things i didn't want to show, but then the size was reduced a little by the trim i got it down to 5GB, but it was still way to damn huge for that short of a video, so i ran it through handbreak at 1080p, and it still was too high, it was now 3GB for a 30 minute video, like fucking hell, why does it use so much space for the video? Nvidia has a shit program, i don't know how else to describe it, so now my video is a little smaller in size but now it's also washed out looking and it looks ugly and there isn't a damn thing i can do about it, i need a better screen recorder that uses way the fuck less resources, but i also need an editing program that doesn't completely destroy the image of the video quality even more than it was. it's like every program i use is shit to use.

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