98% of women bring nothing to the table, except problems, & are nothing but trouble. Compilation #9

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The fishing one was funny, though.
OMG and whamyn wonder why they can't find a good alpha male, jeez look at the tramps that are out there. Men are leaving these dating sights, relationships and marriage in droves and with good reason
The one at 3.02 sounds like she is taking a good SHIT or constipated!
The one with the fishing tackle doesn't work either, I don't go SHARK Fishing EVER!
That leopard skin Cougar had the strangest nose I've ever seen? that was scary enough to put me off at once! lol!
That first one wasn't the sound of "Cricket's" but her brain trying to spin over! Well as we can see these attention seeking missiles ALL put themselves down and for good reason/ It's like watching brain damaged 5 year old's for 4.21. women have totally lost the plot they are Dinosaur's, because MEN want personality and brains and communication from a women, not some self hating cunt with a child like attitude fixation. If I wanted to be around 5 year old's I'd get a job in a Kindergarten. but being a Guy it would be as unsafe to do that as be around these cunt's!