Time to wake up to whats happening in GAZA! MUST WATCH! HIGHLY EDUCATIONAL!
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Опубликован в 17 Oct 2023 / В
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Special thanks to SithSith for bringing this to my attention.
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Vivek the snake!!! No doubt. He slithers like a snake.
Right from the start she says Dr Shiva.
That’s his first fuckin name…………
She’s an idiot.
I wondered about Vivek. He seemed to have come from "nowhere" to suddenly become a presidential candidate. Like Hussein Obama 17yrs ago at the democrook convention, nothing about him seemed real. Great video "Eggy Noggy/sithsith". This guy will probably be "Epsteined", unfortunately, but the Truth is out.
46:30. I'm glad he brought up catholicism as a "Non-Christian" religion. They admitted as much themselves several centuries ago in their catholic encyclopedias.
@50:00 I told you that currycel Vivek was given a fake company to make it look like he's rich and high iq.
@14:00 I told you Hamas created Mossad
This bitch needs to keep her pooja mouth shut and let the high IQ dude talk
Great vid, thx
Special thanks to SithSith for bringing this to my attention.