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The Perils of Getting Married… Again | Grunt Speak Live


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Published on 25 May 2023 / In Comedy

It’s a Redonkulas Roundtable with special guests talking about the phenomenon of men putting their neck in the guillotine of marriage for a second time. Drink up tonight at 8pm EDT!
#GruntSpeakLive #DontGetMarried #HelpingMen

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sbseed 2 years ago


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sbseed 2 years ago

i remember napster, the 'music industry' had a big fat cow...
the companies cannot lose money that they have not received...
the people who use those types of programs are either too poor or are just never going to buy the music itself...

no actual loss of sales, just complaining that people are sharing it, this was already happening before the internet existed, people would buy the cassette tape and record the music onto blank cassettes and either charge people the cost of the blank cassettes or pass em around for free to their buddies.... the same thing happened with 8-track and CDs...
the only time that this sort of thing did NOT happen was with vinyl records since you cannot really record or copy them without having a factory.

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sbseed 2 years ago

that is a really fucked up 'practical' joke...

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Observ1ng 2 years ago

Came home from work. Fell asleep and missed this. Everyone take care and have a great weekend. Give a thought for the fallen this Memorial Day.

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