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A 9-5 Will NEVER Sustain You #lifestyle #work #job

Published on 28 Aug 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Toki 6 months ago

OK but I only work 15-20 hours a week and don't ask for welfare handouts. Where does this guy work then? Nowhere? Just collecting welfare then? Then complains about cost of living lol. Slavery? Yeah male taxpayers are your slaves then if you're unemployed. Yeah you are just as bad as the corporate people who don't work either.
Most importantly don't spend money. Don't bother with women and avoid reproduction. Do you really need that smartphone? Are you a you a man who makes rational consumer choices or a female consumer who buys smartphones every year and pays $100+ a month for anti-consumer contract phone services with data caps? Then you're paying for your XBOX live, PSN, subbed to random strangers online, Netflix, etc. Cut the expenses. All a man needs is one desktop PC really. It has everything entertainment for free. Easiest access to foreign entertainment. And don't pay for porn. If you do support waifu creators, not women being hoes online.
Don't forget the vehicle you took a loan for. Because you need a fresh vehicle to attract women? A monk can drive a cheap old car and save a ton of money. If anyone asks why you drive a beat up car and wear ratty clothes just say you're a male taxpayer in a communist world. Then they act offended because most likely they are guilty of being communists themselves like most modern Western NPCs.

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