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A brilliant joke on TikTok enrages women, but some men now take it seriously

Published on 20 Apr 2024 / In People & Blogs

Drizzle Drizzle and 'soft guy era' started as a joke to push back on entitled bratty women that want men to spoil them. Some guys are having a laugh at the women getting furious, but some guys are saying it's not a bad way to look at who really has the value in a relationship.

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Toki 11 months ago

Just please do not promote the ghetto speak cringe. It's the same thing we've been doing for years. Wisdom, intelligence, foresight. Monk mode sounds way more manly by the way. MGTOW, whatever. I like monk mode though because it clarifies religious celibacy which is the most intelligent, selfless, responsible thing of all in life. Not specifically religious in nature, but a practice of not being a selfish piece of shit sinner. Minimalism, you don't join the police/military mafia, don't become some entitled investor/CEO/manager. However the whole MGTOW and monk thing is filled with con artists who are faking it for money. It proves you are phony. Why would you need money and why aren't you willing to work BB? Locals? Is that a dating app? So you want men to pay for your Locals for what? Nudes? Why would men give other men money for anything except professional real life trade labor? Why even make it about money which is a tool of the evil Gov? It would be better to avoid all use of any money in all situations to avoid being slaves. The internet for example. You should pirate all digital media as well to avoid spending money and paying more taxes. If you need money BB I'm sure there's plenty of opportunity when you consider how many people are on internet welfare now. I don't expect any free handouts. If you don't find some type of productive contribution you end in the walls of the circle of Sloth next to someone like Boogie2988.

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ArgonRaysabre 11 months ago

What the hell sort of job is paying her 180K a year that allows her to traipse around town dressed like a floozy and imbibing booze for hours on end? I understand that I technically don't know the broad, but just from her vernacular alone, she doesn't strike me as a STEM graduate and I KNOW she's definitely not a tradesman. Every MAN that I know that makes that sort of money barely has any time for his family, much less hanging out and getting shitfaced. Men, in general, don't make that type of money until well into their 30s and even 40s.

I'm willing to bet a month's salary that everyone who watches this channel is orders of magnitude smarter than the girl in the first clip. I'll also wager that even with that type of salary, she'll still manage to be a net deficit on the economy upon her death. Smh.

Just launch the fuckin' nukes already.

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 11 months ago

I'd be willing to bet she's completely full of shit.

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Toki 11 months ago

Yes launch the nukes please. I'm ready. While people flee to bunkers I'll willingly go outside for the first time in years to see the blast and welcome it.

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ArgonRaysabre 11 months ago

@Toki: My buddy and I have an inside joke that he'll supply the popcorn if I bring the lawn chairs, you know, so we can be bathed in nuclear fire relaxed and fed.

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sauger1001 11 months ago

13:52. Olive Garden! WTF! I wanna' be treated to Cheesecake Factory, B!tch! I'm worth at least that! LMAO!

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ArgonRaysabre 11 months ago

Hell, have the dame take you to Ruth Chris while we're at it.

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mrghoster 11 months ago

Live with it bitches, you are delused Girl bosses and you don't really want to stop that do you? Nope this soft girl thing is just another ploy of lies and deception. You created what you have you fucking live with it. My money as an independent guy as well as my time and efforts are mine and not for the sharing with lies and cheat's. You wont want Us you just want to rob us of OUR resourses that WE enjoy. Most of my financial wealth actually was created by SHITTY women? How! well when I stopped dating and interacting with women for good, I kept putting aside moneys that used for dating and nights and a day out with a women. The result is I'm saving a fortune, bought a lot of shit I like including a couple of motorcycles, and ALL thanks to shitty feminist women, SO Thank you feminism, you've done THIS guy some really great favor's as well as showing me the true nature of the unrestricted or controlled women. As Sandman say's "CHEERS" lol!

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mrghoster 11 months ago

W"omen cant or ever WILL: rise above MEN because they are NOT MEN! lol! Women can only try to put MEN down and the result has been that MEN have walked, don't listen or even get insulted, but laugh at the women who have raised nothing, be it their status or a real guys DICK! lol! The nearest women EVER got to being true Women is when they WERE housewives and feminine girlfriends, and girl next door types with some femininity and eampathy, the type of girl that Boy's or MEN WOULD open a door for or lft something heavy for and he would do it mainly because due to ignorance that is what MEN were happy to do in the daqy. But NOW? women have nothing that really attracts a normal good guy anymore. The layers of the unoin are so rotten the deeper you go that MEN don't want to be involved with the fefail BULLSHIT anymore. Women have priced themselves out of their OWN market place by being repulsive because women of today cant be NICE anymore unless it's a lie to get what they want, and that soon evaporates when they get what they think they want? Peace Gentlemen.

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ArgonRaysabre 11 months ago

"Women cant or ever WILL: rise above MEN because they are NOT MEN! lol! Women can only try to put MEN down and the result has been that MEN have walked, don't listen or even get insulted, but laugh at the women who have raised nothing, be it their status or a real guys DICK!" Amen, brother. Amen.

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